Friday, January 21, 2005

mr. stew

my husband is an absolute gem. yesterday morning i woke up with a scratchy throat and a bit of a headache. you know how most guys, when they're sick, its the end of the world and we females attend to their every need, and then when we're sick, they try to help out, then lose interest after about an hour? well, up until now, josh has been just like most guys in that area. but yesterday, he called me before coming home from work and told me not to worry about dinner, and he refused tell me what he was planning. he came home with 2 hyacinth plants (my most favourite flower in the world, EVER!) and took me out to d'carlos for dinner, which is ramona's "fancy restaraunt." i hadn't been there yet, but it really was nice, and so unexpected. i love surprises like that.

now that you know that he is a great guy, i can tell you what he said last night about my blog. i was online reading some of the comments (which still make me feel warm inside, by the way) and i asked if he wanted to read my "girl in the middle" story, since he was there and all. i don't think he's ever read my blog before. cuz the first thing he told me when he sat down to read it was how CHEESY my profile is, all about how i like to read and take bubble baths and cuddle with my husband. and he said it all in a mocking voice, which made it sound really, really horridly awful. of course, i defended it and said, "well that's just who i am", but secretly, in the back of my mind, i began to wonder if it really was as cheesy as he made it sound. well, he read the story and ACTUALLY laughed a couple of times, which was quite nice of him. when he left, i quickly got back on and read my profile & was abhored to realize that it was, indeed extremely cheesy. i'm not allowed to be cheesy until i'm at least 46. so for now my profile has been deleted. i hope josh doesn't read this and find out that he won.

speaking of josh, i have received a request from a faithful reader of this blog, who will remain anonymous, due to her complete love for and biased opinion of my husband....okay, it was my MOTHER. anyhow, she requested that he write a little something on my blog. i told him i thought it would be nice, too. he just kind of grunted. so here's what i think. i think that he needs more encouragement from all of you. he really is a great and entertaining writer. i should know, since we spent over a year of our relationship communicating long distance. he used to write me the most amazing letters and poems...anyhow, if you are even remotely interested in hearing what he has to say, post your comments at the end of this blog and let him know. i will make a big deal of reading his fan mail to him, and THEN we'll see if all he does is grunt! oh, i also decided to post what i call his "GQ model pose" picture at the end of this blog, just in case you don't know him and really don't care whether he writes or not. come on, he is sucha hottie that you'd like to hear at least a couple words of his, right? i told him i wanted to post that picture, and he kind of blushed and put up some sort of protest. but it is MY blog, and i can post what i like.

okay, i'm off to scrub the bathtub so that i can take a bath in it. (anal habit of mine to clean it before every bath i take, but at least it gets cleaned quite often... are you sure you still think i'm nothing like monica, aimee?)

~heidi, completely cured of scratchy throat, due to lovely hyacinth scent


Alvin & Denise Engler said...

come on, you hunka hunka burnin' love. we want to hear from the one who snatched our beautiful heidi from us. --de

Anonymous said...

Awright, awright, just in case you don't read my e-mails,Josh, here is reinforcement from me in regards to you and blogging - I think my vote is worth 2 at least, I mean, I am close to twice as old a others who have posted comments so far and with age comes wisdom - it would be great and fantastic to hear from Josh, the gifted writer. Love you, your dear other Mom.

Aimee said...

It would sure be fun to hear a little something from Josh - even though he did say your profile was cheesy. I thought it was sweet and honest. Aimee

Anonymous said...

Well well well, Josh...hmmm what can i say. How bout you write a short lil blog! yay!
Your Lil sis who is suffering from extreme forms of jetlag ;)

Kristal Sawyer said...