Wednesday, January 19, 2005

the result of an empty inbox

why is it, that when i really make a good attempt at eating better and getting more exercise, i gain a few pounds and my pants go up one size?? WHY??!! i think its time to just give up and dig into the ice cream.

tonight we are having our first home group here for the 40 days of purpose that our church is doing. 4 people besides us will be here, and i only know one of them (2 of them are non-believers). i am excited, but also very nervous, which happens any time someone is coming over. my house looks just fine to me until i hear that we are expecting a visit from someone, and then it is transformed into a complete mess right in front of my eyes. so i go running around with the dustcloth in one hand and the vacuum in the other and get all sweaty trying to impress someone who won't even notice the state of the house anyway. sometimes i seriously fear that i am becoming monica gellar.

so i had been doing the above mentioned running around like a mad woman, (with the laundry basket in one hand and a trash bag in the other) when i passed by the computer and it beckoned me to it. (okay, okay, not audibly, but i could feel it in my heart, calling my name) i decided that checking my email and discovering oodles of them overflowing my inbox would be just the break i need. sadly, i didn't get one single email. and if anyone is feeling guilty about that, darla bodell, then well, YOU SHOULD! actually, darla, i didn't mean that. but if you do feel bad, that's okay, i don't mind. (don't you want to just hit me right now? but you CAN'T because i'm too FAR AWAY!!!)

because of my lack of emails, i am writing this boring blog, which is so dull, that now i'm wondering if i should even post it. so i'll try to think of something to make it a little more interesting...hmmm...this morning, while hanging out with my 2 year old niece kaylee, (who is just beginning to put words into sentences) i found her with her finger so far up her nose that her middle knuckle was out of sight. i asked her what she was finding in there, so she pulled out her finger, showed me her booger and said, "eat it." i told her i was full.

our bed is unmade and i can see it from here and it's driving me crazy. the chances of someone coming upstairs tonight and seeing our unmade bed are not high, but you never know. it could happen. i must go attend to it immediately.

~heidi, Frazzled Cleaning Lady

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Heidi, even your "boring" blog made me chuckle. I hope your evening goes well. And, Monica Gellar wasn't sooo bad, was she? :) The fact that your bed wasn't made asures me that you're nowhere near her status. Don't worry.
