So I've been propositioned to make a guest appearance on Heidi's blog, the proposition will not be discussed during the course of this entry as I know the tabloid esque ways of this journal.
I used to write a lot more (poetry mainly) and then I was married and I don't anymore. After much wondering if I just lost the ability or my lack of time alone, I realized that I wrote before mainly about my muse and the longing for her and all those additional feelings that are attatched to falling in love and planning ahead. But my muse is here by my side, every day, every time I wake up she is with me, so I can now look at her and realize that my longing has now been fulfilled with her presence. The truth of it (and Heidi strongly encouraged me to write truthfully as to not scare all of you) is that now I don't need to write as I am able to tell her all those things that form in my head.
So the next question is what topic do I try and entertain you with, so many options, yet a good number of you don't even know me or have only met me briefly. So if this is not appealing to you I wish I could be sorry.
First I must offer an appeal to those who think I stole your dear Heidi, all choices are made, with or without the sense of reason in place, but hers was a choice deliberately made for my sanity. All is well now.
One of the biggest things in moving to a foreign country, a new home, an additional family etc. Is adapting. Your dear Heidi struggled to find her "place" in sunny southern California away from the friends, her family and the dampness called Abbotsford. When a woman marries a man generally they take on the husbands last name, but it ends up being more than just a name, it incorporates many years of hard work that has established that name. It produces ways of life, traditions and the ability to pronounce words correctly or how certain candies are actually said (Darla). Heidi has to the best of her ability attempted to take this on. She has begun by pronouncing pasta correctly, become close with my family (so close she actually flatulated at the dinner table to great applause), and has learned to become a good cook (my mom is Martha Stewart). So, as I look over at her cuddled in bed with a magazine, I gaze as a blessed man, a man that can only be blessed by God with the good fortunes of calling Heidi my friend, my wife and someday the mother of our children. How else can you explain two people meeting from two different countries meeting on an island?
I hope to have met my blog quota for the day. Take it easy.
Josh--the unentertaining translator of today's prose
p.s. the title wasn't my idea
I feel honoured to be the 1st to post a comment!!
Way to go Josh, nice to hear from the one who so nicely completes Heidi. It is wonderful to hear that the longing in your soul has been satisfied. I can vouch for my girl that all the years I've known her, she has set out certain qualities and things she wanted in a man. The more I get to visit with you, (which I think right now we are standing at a whopping 3 times in total) the more I see how well suited you 2 are.
Thanks for being the american prince in the english castle for my canadian damsel.
Love you both!
Leah D.
Bravo, bravo Josh, way to go. Thank you for the very enjoyable read. Being blurry minded in the morning, it took me a paragraph of scratching my head, thinking this doesn't sound like Heidi, to realize it was You writing. Beautifully. Wow, I have talented kids (you are my son after all). Your love for my daughter warms my heart. God bless you both, love MOM
PS Now I'd like to hear from you again in the not too distant future.
Josh, your writing skills are not wasting away with marriage. That's evident to see (read) in your beatiful homage to your bride. Keep writing, keep loving, enjoy each other! Miss you two and hope our paths will cross soon. Heidi, thx for turning me on to your page. I'm old school.....what's a blog? Love from Thousand Oaks!
Josh, it was great to hear from you, and about you! I would suggest using those poetic abilities this Valentine's Day! :)
God has given you that creativity, don't let it lie, or die.
Have a great time with your Canadian MOM there! I would suggest you learn some correct pronunciations from her.
Love, your ole A. Lil
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