Thursday, February 17, 2005

my dad's smarter than your dad

my dad is the kind of guy who knows a little bit about everything and a whole lot about some things (like how to build a telescope, for example.) being a loving daughter, it's not surprising that i've always thought of him as a sort of genius. yet even i was astounded at the brilliance his mind posesses when, 2 days ago, he predicted that it would be bright and sunshiny in ramona yesterday. i live here. he does not. ALL of the local papers were predicting solid rain, dashing our hopes of visiting the wild animal park. but my mom called him when she arrived (safe and sound, despite a small mishap involving temporarily losing her driver's license in the airport restroom) and he cheerfully told her that his astronomy website showed that wednesday would be a very nice day in southern california. we kind of said, "yeah, right" and planned on spending the day indoors. but what to our wondering eyes should appear early on wednesday morning? nothing but blue sky!

we had a wonderful, warm day at the wild animal park with both my moms, my sister in law, and her 2 kids. we went for a ride on the train around the park and got to see many cool animals, most of which kaylee described as, "so cute" (except for the fork-tongued lizard, which was "yucky"). i think i even got a bit of a tan! oops, sorry for bragging.

josh and i love having my mom as a third player in our daily ritual of dutch blitz...she actually blitzed us for the first time today!

tonight my mom and i are making a chinese dinner for josh's parents and gramps. tomorrow we're going to shop till we drop, and on saturday, the three of us will just hang out doing whatever. i will hate to see her go, but simply cannot think of that part yet. we have 2 more full days together and will enjoy every moment to the last drop.

must go start chopping celery.

~heidi, Oriental Chef Extroardinaire (hopefully)

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