believe it or not, josh wrote all of the last blog on his own, without me coaxing him to "say something nice so they'll all think you're nice." i won't comment on the embarassing flatulating incident--i may just save the entire topic of flatulance in marriage for another post. however, i WILL comment on the appropriate pronounciation of certain candies. i couldn't believe my ears when i first heard him say it, but all you canadians out there, this is TRUE!
so, we were talking on the phone one night, back when we were separated by oh-so-many-miles, pining and longing and speaking words of love to one another. in between a bit of longing and words of love, josh asked me what i was eating. i told him, "just some jujubes." he was like, "WHAT??!!" and so i repeated what i had just said, which sent him into gales of laughter. "don't you mean jujuBEES?" he asked, which made me go, "WHAT??!!" and sent me into gales of laughter. neither of us could believe the way the other pronounced it was the way it really was pronounced in their country. i asked him how they spell the word jujubes in the united states, and apparently it is spelled the same in both countries. so how can you get the sound jujuBEES out of the word jujubes? to make his point, after we were married, he walked up to a woman in a store, holding the candy and asked her what they were called. "jujuBEES?" she said, a little timidly. (josh's appearance can be slightly intimidating to some people) my friend darla helped me attempt to make my point by emphatically pointing out to josh how it is spelled and how it should be pronounced, etc. she even gave us a bag of jujubes as a wedding gift! the issue of the proper pronunciation of jujubes is one that has never been resolved, and i doubt it ever will be. i am right and he is wrong and that is that.
i have been commanded to "take it easy" today, with the threat of being beaten if i don't. yesterday i had a wonderful, gigantic burrito for lunch, which i promply threw up an hour later. yesterday being wednesday (the day of our home group), i had a very difficult (impossible) time resting. there was laundry to do, carpet to vaccuum, dinner to make, a bathroom to clean. my dear husband helped me out as much as he could, but i still felt wiped at the end of the day. so today is my supposed day of resting up, which is why i am happily blogging instead of cleaning out the fridge. oh, and NO, i am NOT pregnant, MOTHER.
my mother....:) she is coming to visit me in 12 days!! i honestly can hardly wait. i remember back home when i'd always be counting down the days until i could see josh again, and now i'm counting down the days until i can see my mom again! she is flying here and staying for a lovely 5 days, which i've already overbooked with things to do in my mind. i love my mom. she is the person that i miss the very most. we have always had a special bond, her and i. i think of us more as friends than just mother and daughter. we love to do the same kinds of things, like sit in a park or at the beach and read books, or watch people and try to guess what they're saying or thinking. we both understand the the MOST important part of a shopping trip is lunchtime. we both love to take walks in residential areas, looking at interesting houses, finding hills to climb. we never run out of things to talk about, whether it's over coffee or over the phone. i understand that what we have is rare, and i can't say why exactly our relationship turned out so well, except that i know that my mom has always been willing to meet me on my level. i can remember when i was caught smoking pot when i was 13 years old, and the principal of my school called my mom to tell her. instead of yelling and accusing and grounding me, she took me out for lunch and we sat there and talked. she asked me questions, trying to understand why i had done what i did. of course, i'm sure i was punished in some way, but i don't remember that part. i just remember knowing how much she loved me and wanted what was best for me. since then, i felt that i could tell her anything, and i did. i would come home in the evening, and she would be reading in bed, and i'd sit on the edge of the bed every single night and we would just talk and talk, about our days, about EVERYTHING! and now i'm getting a little misty eyed, thinking about her, so i need to stop now. i'll leave you with a picture of my proud mom on my wedding day~she is the sweetest, most beautiful person i know.
I am speechless Heidi and I even feel abit embarrassed being the first one to comment, but suffice it to say "You have made my day" - no, you've encouraged me for a week, well, maybe even more. I will always cherish what I have just read. Love you dearly, love your man dearly too, MOM. PS Why am I misty eyed?!
Well Marshmello, this is my official blog writing debut. I wanted so save it for something special....and important. And re-affirming the correct pronunciation of Jujubes is just that occasion. Josh, sweetheart, you are just so incredibly wrong! Jujubes are simply not pronouced Jujubees. It does not make sense, nor will you ever convert this part of the continent to your absurd spelling, nor will your wife join your jujubee "clan." Should that happen, you will begin breeding a whole new Jujubee generation, with jujubee babies, jujubee puppies and jujubee kitties and rabbits and even jujubee plants. This cannot happen. The jujubees must be abolished. And by that I am referring soley to the pronunciation.
Whew, glad we cleared that one up! I don't think I have ever written the word jujubes so many times in my life. Anyway, glad to be of service to you both anytime there are additional discrepencies in the future.
Sweet thoughts of you, Heidi, today and always. I miss you more than you could ever imagine. I wish I were there for you to hug. Hugs and kisses from Chase.
Your best bud,
Yes, Heids, I'm misty-eyed, too! That was a wonderful tribute to your mom! It's special having a daughter that we can call our 'friend'. I've got one, too.
As to the pronunciation of jujubes~here's and English lesson for the Americans. :) When an e is on the end of a word, it almost always is silent!! Therefore, when you add and 's', it just has and 's' sound and the 'e' does NOT have the long sound. But that silent 'e' has a job, it goes around the vowel before the consonant, and PINCHES that vowel, whatever it be, and "makes it say its own name"! So therefore, it's leeeeeeeeever, and not lever. HA! Now I've started something else. How about deeeeeeeecal, instead of decal. HA! That's where Canadians are wrong in pronouncing it, then. So we're even, eh?
Love you guys anyway!! A. Lil
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