Saturday, May 07, 2005


i still cannot seem to figure out how to post my most recent pictures on my blog, so i posted a couple of relatively recent pictures that have nothing to do with moving or our new house, but i thought they were kinda nice.

today is saturday and i leave for work at noon and get home past 10pm. then i go back to work tomorrow (mothers day!!??) from 11-6. i don't actually feel as depressed about my weekend hours as i used to. part of it, i think, is just getting used to working full time again and not seeing josh nearly as much. but i also find that i am actually beginning to enjoy my job more and more. a few days ago i was helping a middle aged man find a bible for his wife for mother's day. he thanked me for helping him find one, took it, and was about to walk away when he stopped short and turned towards me. he said, "you know, i've seen you working here before and there is just something i have to tell you. there is something different about you. whenever i see you, i can see God's love shine right through you. i just thought i should tell you that." i was dumbfounded! it was one of those days where i wasn't feeling that great, and was really just counting down the hours until i could come home. i told him that that was the best compliment i have ever received. since that day, working has been a lot easier. to know that God can work through me, even when i feel so low, is amazing! i used to think that it was only during the times of actually being mindful of His presence and asking Him to use me that i was being used. but now i suppose it makes sense that because His Spirit dwells within us, we can be lights to the world no matter how we may feel on the inside. i am so thankful that God uses cracked pots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is the second time I am commenting, not sure why the first one didn't get on, but I will attempt to reiterate what I'd said this morning.
One of your aunts mentioned at the shower last night that boy, Heidi writes well and did you read the one about the man at the store? Well, no I hadn't yet, so I finally read it this morning and was so encouraged by what you blogged - your thoughts on God and how He is always working through us. A wonderful truth that we often forget. Have a great mom's day Heidi with your other mom. Love you, MOM