Thursday, September 29, 2005

no more excuses

in response to my mother's emailed question re. my lack of bloggage, i just finished letting her know that there are piles of laundry to be folded, dirty floors to be washed and toothpaste speckled bathroom mirrors to be cleaned. but the thing with that is, cleaning never really ends. that could be my constant excuse and it would always be valid. what is the fun in that? so i will blog.

a cause for great excitement this past week was the Spraining of Josh's Back. josh and i drove up to temecula on sunday to spend the day with rob and jessica and their 2 kids. we were going through withdrawals from not seeing much of them since our hawaii trip. after a delicious lunch of carne asada burritos, we got all suited up and headed to their clubhouse swimming pool. i don't believe i've ever seen josh calmly enter a swimming pool. he is not a wader. he is a cannon-baller. and cannon ball he did, which is somehow what caused him to sprain his back. hmmm, though a comment about his age is extremely tempting right now, my love and adoration for him is so much stronger, so i will refrain.

because of the unfortunate cannon-balling incident, my dear husband was off of work for 2 days straight. you can still see the indentation his body left on our couch. the chiropractor worked wonders on him and, though he is still quite sore, thankfully he is back at work again.

despite the pain he was in, both josh and i had a great time at rob and sis's. kaylee entertained us with her elaborate water dances while john giggled and waved and nodded his head enthusiastically to questions we posed him. jessica and i even had a chance to go for a nice evening walk together before we had to leave. i sure do wish that we lived closer together.

things i am looking forward to right now:

#1 (and i am smiling from ear to ear even as i type this) it looks as if my older brother andy, his wife cara, and little sarah mae will be coming for a visit in a couple of months!!!!!! i cannot tell you how excited i am by the thought of this. it has almost been a year since we've seen them...sarah was just a newborn. now she's already taken her first steps. to think that they'll be here with us, to hang out with for a whole weekend...yes i am extremely excited. :)

#2 david gray. if my relationship with josh was to be made into a movie, then david gray would be the soundtrack. josh introduced me to his cd's while we were "just friends" in england. i fell in love with josh to his songs. and now, he is coming to san diego next month and we have tickets!! josh bought them as soon as he heard on the radio that he was coming. he waitied to surprise me with them until when i was having an awful day (i can't even remember why). i was going on and on about my frustrations and josh shushed me and told me that we were going to see david gray! normally i don't like being shushed, but this was an exception.

#3 i get to go on a mini girl's night this monday! perhaps it's silly of me to be so excited about this, but i was just thinking that it's been about one year since i've had a proper girl's night out. sara and zandra and i are going out for dinner and i am very much looking forward to it :)

so there you have it.

be well



Z-Mama said...

Oh, Heidi...not silly at all! I can't even tell you how excited I get about the silliest little things. I write them on my calender and tell everyone that I have a "date." When Sara first invited me over for coffee a little over a year ago when Raegann was so small, I was thrilled to death! I couldn't wait for my coffee date...I hadn't been out of the house for nearly 3 months! And now, a girls night out...what could possibly be more fun?!?!

Love ya~

Anonymous said...

I was so excited that our night out ranked =) I am so looking forward to it too, we'll have to go for coffee and dessert afterwards!! And you truely should come over more on your days off for coffee in the a.m (this is your invite, to come every day off you have, and I mean it). See you Monday!

p.s. I want the record to show that so far i have typed that lame word 3 times and my comment still won't post. and also thanks to zandra i know how to spell comment!!

Aimee said...

Hooray, good to hear from you Heidi. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your exciting upcoming events (girls' night included!). Aimee