Saturday, August 11, 2007

...gone tomorrow!

i always knew my husband was hot, but now i'm just blown away!


Alvin & Denise Engler said...

now that i can see his ears, i'm wondering if tristan's ears are actually josh's?

a very handsome haircut.


Lori said...

Holy smokes! Wow! Tell him it looks great~

Family Of Five said...

LOVE it!!! I got to cut my brother in law's hair all off just over a year ago!!! Amazing the difference! :)

Lee said...

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have yourself a litte hottie!! (can I say that?)

Shannon said...

Awesome haircut.

Be sure to tell the story that promted it!

Anonymous said...

Does Stew have a court date we don't know about!?

Unknown said...

Duder! Ha, the story had better be good.

Naomi said...

Wow... Looks good!! Terran laughed at all the comments the cut has promted.

Anonymous said...

i've been dreaming about this day for a long time (literally) I love josh in his short hair, shows his handsome face much better!!!!!!

chirs (josh's mom)

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Yea! A manly man! Lucky you; it is true that who ever you marry will be changing over the years, for better, for worse.
Chalk this one up for a better.
(OK, give: Why the cut? I remember the last's been awhile since his hair has benen this short. Tell me, what inspired the change?)

L&D said...

I am gasping with shock.

Z-Mama said...

Nice! I saw him at church and it looks really good!

Lovella ♥ said...

. .and what does he think? It must feel so different for him and I bet a lot cooler too.

I can just imagine you giggling like a school girl. What fun.

kelly ens said...

Even though i've never met either of you, the other day as I was reading your blog, I thought to myself, I wonder if Josh has ever wanted to cut his hair. (Alf used to have long hair, though not as long as Josh's, and since going short, would never go back. Nor could he...).
Looks great!!!

Anonymous said...

Josh, it looks so great!!! Glad I lived long enough to see it! Dale sends his thumbs up to you, too!

Jennifer said...

I don't think I've ever seen his ears before...

and it still longer than his?

Miriam Miller said...

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my goodness, there are no words.

he looks great! i was never against the long locks, but wow! post more!

hey heidi.. will you "introduce" my new guy Roger to Josh on facebook :) by showing him his profile pic so he at least has a reference point ha ha..

Catrina said...

All I can say is WOW!!! :)

A Lady said...

Yay! It's good to see Josh looking more like "good-boy" Josh!

lil said...

My!! The comments were great to read, but as I was reading your blog, and getting to the part where you actually went somewhere to get it cut~I HAD to scroll down to see if there was a picture!! Forget Tristan getting a tooth, I wanted to see Josh!! Handsome, Josh!! Just great. =)

Anonymous said...

Joshua had pretty hair
Hair like his was pretty rare
Now I see his face so fair
And I forget his pretty hair
It is important to have ears that match when you have short hair-luckily yours seem to!