this is a hill near my house. it may not look like much of a hill from this photo, but trust me: it is steep. especially when you're pushing a large baby in a stroller up it. i began walking up this hill most mornings a few months ago when i finally came around to realizing that i was going to remain an inflated version of my former self unless i got off my (rather large) rear end and did something about it! i've no idea how i kept it up because i remember creeping up the darn thing at a snail's pace, huffing and puffing and praying that nobody i knew would drive by. i was partially successful in deflating myself a bit, but then i hit a plateau and stayed there for a loooong tiiiime. my friend sara (who, by the way, is thin and beautiful and doesn't need to lose weight at all; she just thinks she does) suggested that we start doing weight watchers together. i had heard good things about the program they have for breastfeeding moms, and i really liked the idea of doing it with a friend, for motivation. so, instead of signing up and paying the monthly fee, we're cheating a litte and just calculating points on our own, but it is SO working!! i lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks, which brings me halfway to my goal already. now that i see how quickly its working, i'm going to change my goal down to my pre-pregnancy weight and see if i can make it by tristan's first birthday. because of the progress i've been making, this hill is far less daunting to me and i no longer huff and puff while pushing tristan up it. i like to imagine myself gliding up it gracefully as i cheerfully wave to those who drive by. i may not look graceful, but i choose to keep that image in my head anyway.
to motivate myself even more, i set little rewards for every 5lbs i lost. my first reward was a haircut. when i first met josh, my hair was shorter than his is now. after the pain of growing it out, i was so happy to have my long hair back that i just let it grow...and grow... and grow... until i finally looked in the mirror one day and realized how blah it looked. so i am now sporting a new 'do, complete with sideswept bangs (which drive me crazy, so i keep them pinned up anyhow) and have found a few of my old clothes that fit me, (i used to call them my fat clothes, but obviously never had a clue what fat really meant!) and i feel wonderful. tomorrow evening is jessica's 30th birthday and we're going to a bit of a posh restaraunt for dinner, so i'll be sure to have someone snap a picture of me and my hubby and WILL post it on here. but only if you all promise to comment on how skinny i look. *just kidding*
good for you Heidi. You are beautiful. I dont even have to wait for you to post your picture to tell you that. I am proud of you.
well done! (the weight loss, and the walking!) That is quite the hill. I'm sure it's even more difficult because it's not paved.
Congrats!!! I have found weight watchers effective too. Great job with sticking to it! Can't wait to see your pictures...although like Leah said I don't have to see a picture to know you are already beautiful! =)
Isn't it amazing how a hair cut can make you feel like a brand new woman? WW is the best out there. My MIL just lost 30 lb on it in La Mesa, and I need to buckle down and get some summer + vacation blub off me too. You have inspired me. I'd borrow T. for my work outs, but there just aren't any hills around here to climb anyway!
Way to go, Heidi! Doing the "diet" with someone is so much more effective.
Looking forward to seeing pics Josh AND you with shorter hair.
Heidi, that hill looks awful. Long, steep, hot. way to go.
Heidi, you are awesome, and you DO look amazing! Can't wait to see the beautiful pic!
That hill does look quite intimidating! good for you for keeping up with exercising! That's awesome!
Heidi, I'm glad you are having fun and success at the same time.
You already are such a beautiful girl but I can't wait to see the photo.
The hill I hike is a mile long and my 4 year old who I push up it weighs 35 lbs!!!
Come hike with me!
Reaching goals is fun eh!
Way to go Heidi, that's so great. I find I have so much more energy when I get outside and exercise, doesn't make sense, but works :)
Congratulations!!! Losing baby weight is challenging, eh? I so thought I had it under control, then stopped paying attention. Needless to say, I'm trying to lose 10lbs before we try for #2!!! keep it up, and i look forward to counting DOWN the numbers with you :)
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