...its what i'm holding in my hand. my hair looks awful because my friend janet and i had just come back from taking a walk with our boys. as we were walking this morning, i got a call on my cell phone from a delivery guy with a package for me. we caught up to his truck and he handed me a package to sign for and inside was...... MY PASSPORT!!!! i just about peed my pants! you see, it was only 3 weeks ago that i was told my passport application would take 15 weeks to process. it was only 2 weeks ago that i faxed off a request that my passport be expidited. and it was only yesterday that i spoke with passport canada and was told to expect it in the mail on october 10th. my flight leaves on october 2nd, so the very nice gentleman told me that he would make a few phone calls and try to get my passport to me by october 1st. so to get it the Very Next Day is nothing short of a miracle and i THANK YOU all so much for your prayers!!! my mom is not home yet and i'm so excited to tell her the good news.
in just over a week, tristan and i will be in lovely rainy british columbia enjoying the crisp autumn air, the green all around, the changing leaves and, of course, a great big thanksgiving dinner! i am so looking forward to relaxing with my family once again and getting to see my friends. as far as being away from my husband for a week....i'm just not thinking about that part of it yet. i will keep the freezer well stocked with frozen pizzas and will ask any friends down here if they would mind inviting my dear husband over for dinner while i'm gone.
some other AWESOME news that we got yesterday is that gramps' cancer is in remission!! we are so thankful to God for healing him! we just adore gramps and i'm grateful that tristan will get to know him and grow up with his love. God is so good.
tristan had his very first experience at the san diego wild animal park on wednesday. he seemed to enjoy himself, though was much more interested in looking at people than at the animals. we went on a little tram ride and got quite close to a giraffe. i kept pointing and signing "giraffe" to him, saying "Tristan, look at the tall giraffe!" he glanced over at it, then just looked up at my face adoringly. his latest thing is helping me turn the pictures of his storybooks! he just started doing that a few days ago. he also knows exactly where the flaps are on all of his lift the flap books and loves feeling the different textures in his touch and feel books. oh yes, and he's been biting lately. hard. not so much when i'm nursing him (thank goodness!) but he likes to bite my shoulder when i'm holding him. up until now, i've very firmly told him "no" and flicked his cheek with my finger. so far, it hasn't seemed to sink in very well. anyone else have any ideas on how to discipline such a young child? i really don't want to get into the habit of raising my voice at him; i'd rather speak to him calmly, yet firmly, but i definitely need him to understand. today he left little teeth marks in my arm!
well, i'm off to get ready to go into town and do some groceries. have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Heidi, so excited about your passport coming through SO fast!
Yay! Congrats on the passport, what a wonderful blessing!
For the biting...I'd say to do just what you said you did, but then immediately put him down. He should come to realize that if he bites, he doesn't get held.
Woooohoooo!! What a miracle indeed! I'm so happy you can RELAX now and look forward to your trip instead of worrying yourself sick aobut the passport! Praise God! Oh and I second z-mama's advice. I'd heard the same advice about biting - put him down after saying no (I flicked Mercy, too) and he eventually starts to get it. Good luck! Glad he's not biting while nursing...ouch!
Heidi, I am so happy for you with getting your passport back so soon, I hope you have a wonderful time with family! It was also so good to hear your answer of prayer with Gramps cancer in remission...Praise God..Grandparents are such an important part of a child's life!
Glad the passport made it through on time. As for biting - my little guy did that too. I'll agree with the others that putting him down is a good idea - not always possible though ;-) I agree that yelling at him isn't a good idea but make sure your voice is firm and has that 'don't mess with your mama' tone. My son used to be crushed if I spoke to him firmly - now he is 2 and it takes a bit more work ;-) They do stop biting but it does take a few days/weeks for them to put it all together.
Oh Heidi, I'm so so excited for you. What an answer to prayer. Don't you just feel giddy? I do.
What wonderful news about gramps too. What a fantastic day.
I love it that you had such a great day, even a nibble or two couldn't put a cloud overhead.
Wow, wonderful news about your passport. Now you can just enjoy getting ready for your trip and not stress. What a blessing!
Luke used to bite his Mom and I all the time. We tell him "NO" and then put him down and walk away. It did work, so that is great advice from the other girls. It's hard but we would let him cry for a minute too. It about breaks your heart, but really helps make the point.
Now he just bites his favorite stuffed toy. :)
I check your blog once in while and when I realized your predicament with the passport I also began to pray. We just went through a major ordeal with Kristal's passport, and so I know how special it is when you get it. So happy for you too!
(Kristal's Mom)
I just want to say that I was very happy to be there the day you received your passport. It is so great to see our prayers answered. God is Good!
great news all around! YAAAAAAAY!
Yay, he's a biter just like me.
Can't wait til you're here.
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