thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement. this morning i was struggling with anxious thoughts when thinking about how we would find a new place in time. God gave me the words to a song called "He's always been Faithful", which was sung at our wedding. if we never went through bumps in the road, then His faithfulness would never be shown! i know He'll take care of us.
as i've already said, our trip to canada was Wonderful! despite the nearly constant drizzle of rain and of tristan's nose, we had a thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable time. of course, a visit to house of james was mandatory, as was a trip to my favorite clothing store, jacob. i was able to see a few friends, lots of family and many brilliantly colored fall leaves. tristan enjoyed his first canadian thanksgiving dinner with my family, making a great big mess out of his turkey and yams.

on a rainy friday, tristan and i went with my mom and sister to fort langley where they were celebraing their annual cranberry festival. it was quite chilly out, so we warmed ourselves up with homemade borscht and biscuits in a quaint little bakery called tracy cakes. we also ordered a dozen of these "babycakes" which were just as delicious as they look!

my mom and i have always agreed that when it comes to going out shopping for a day, the most important part of that day is lunchtime :)

there were 2 sunny days during our visit when my aching eyes were thrilled to see mount baker unveiled in all its snow covered glory. this concord grapevine winds its way around my parents sun deck. my dad uses these grapes to make his famous grape juice, which was served at our wedding.

the biggest highlight of our week away was spending time with my immediate family. that's my older brother andy with his 3 year old daughter sarah. andy and cara and sarah spent tuesday with us, which was so lovely. sarah is a quiet and gentle little girl, who rewarded me with smiles and words by the end of the evening. in the background, you can see part of my younger brother, james. he was one of tristan's favorite playmates, never tiring of walking him around the house. james also introduced me to one of his rpg's (role playing games) which was actually quite hilarious and fun. my dad had 4 days off while we were there, and tristan was quite taken by his grandad, sitting on his lap and giggling away at him. of course, my younger sister cherie was also a hit, as always. she took many of the pictures you'll see on tristan's blog.
i have a story about our flight home, but that will have to wait for another post. i'm going to rest and enjoy the rest of my saturday before the stress of having to pack up our house overcomes me.
Ahh Heidi, reading this post and looking at the pictures put a huge smile on my face. Your visit was marvelous and now I have the memories to warm my heart. I thank God that you didn't find out about your upcoming move until you got back to California - you could visit Canada with peace of mind. I am praying for a most wonderful new roof over your heads! Loving you all.
Oh Heidi, bless your heart. You are such a sweet girl. God will bless you with a home and all your needs will be provided.
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time with your family at Thanksgiving. I loved the little cakes and especially the picture of you and your mom. You come from gracious stock.
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