Friday, November 16, 2007


so, we're moving this weekend....i will be SO glad to have it all done with. we don't know what we're going to do about the internet connection yet, so i will probably be MIA for awhile. hopefully we'll be able to find a good deal on high speed now that we'll be living in an area that has DSL.

tristan's 2 top side teeth have poked through, which gives him a grand total of 6 teeth. he has taken about 5 steps on his own from one piece of furniture to another, but still prefers the security of crusing around things. with all of the boxes piled high around here, he has plenty to explore! his hair is beginning to curl in the back of his head, which is too adorable for words. he is becoming more and more snuggly with us, often stopping during his play to cruise over to me and lay his head on my lap, before returning to his toys. he also really enjoys looking at books by himself, now that he's mastered turning the pages. he talks to himself while doing this in a different sort of voice, as if he's reading the stories. once in awhile he'll chuckle at one of the pictures. i honestly have a hard time remembering what life was like before he arrived and i'm so thankful for the privilege of staying home with him.

will post from our new place hopefully soon!


Z-Mama said...

Brandon's planning to help you guys on there anything I can help with???

Thirsty said...

so cute Heidi---Tristan and his books. Hope the move goes well.

Lovella ♥ said...

Happy moving.
Hooray for even the idea of you having high speed.