...i am very tempted to spray cooking spray on tristan's bum before putting a diaper on so that the poop won't stick so bad.
in other news, i am extremely proud to announce that i hiked up a MOUNTAIN this morning and I MADE IT!!! okay, so even though it's called a mountain, its more like a very large hill. and we really didn't "hike" it since we just walked up the paved road. BUT it was steep and difficult and it took us a good hour to make it up to the top (don't laugh, sara, we were all taking turns pushing tristan in the stroller. otherwise we'd have been done WAY faster). i have never "hiked" this particular "mountain" before, though i've been invited to go many times. my dear husband told me that the last time he climbed it, he vowed never to do it again. a friend of mine told me that it made her want to stop, cough out her lungs and strap them to her back. (this just so happens to be the same friend who has asked me to hike it with her a million times. yeah, way to make me wanna go!) what made me decide to go this morning was that i was invited by 2 sweet friends who are about as buff as me. meaning: not so much. they both have had babies within the past 8 months and so i knew that if i couldn't keep up with them, i was in bad shape. well, i DID manage to keep up with them, even though they probably slowed their pace considerably and i am just very stoked that i did it and i'm so ready to go again. maybe in a year ;)

my entire house is a complete, disgusting mess. i was planning on cleaning it today, but my legs sort of feel like jello now and i think i just ran out of sweat this morning, so i'm going to turn on the ceiling fan downstairs and read.
oh, and just one more confession:
sometimes, while tristan watches me put makeup on, i am tempted to put mascara on his never ending eyelashes. just to see where they really do end.
p.s. kelly, and zandra, i really hope you don't take offense that i put you in the same "buffness" category as myself. i meant it in the nicest way possible.
I would still call it a mountain over a hill...although it is not in the same category as Everest. But by taking an hour to get to the top, it doesn't quite fall into the hill category either. Everest would have to be "climbed," where our little mountain is just a hike.
No offense at all especially since I consider you awfully more "buff" than I!
Oh, I totally know what you mean about the eyelashes... why do boys get all the luck? The other month I attempted to help induce labour and walk up eagle mountain with a friend who was overdue. Needless to say, she totally put me and my out-of-shape self to shame... but that's ok, because me and liam made it up and back- and that's all that matters!
try the pam. .and let us know .. so funny.
Yeah for hiking. . I tell you I'm so out of shape lately too it is pathetic. . we'll be going hiking soon while we are camping and I already feel bad for Terry .. but hey .. if he wants the company he'll just have to deal with it.
OH. . and I remember once .. just once convincing the mascara thing with my *b*o*y*s* ..
that is so funny you mentioned the oil for the poop, since just having Lanae the midwife told me I could put Olive Oil or Vaseline on her bum to make the poop not stick...so there you have it!=)
Way to go on the hike! I definately dont think that is an easy one to do but it is beautiful and has the best view once you get to the top. Great picture.
Dude, that is SO a MOUNTAIN! Way to go!!!! I remember the first time hiking it and Jay having to push me up, after 1/3 of the way up, I just simply turned around and walked back to the car.
And I LOVE, LOVE the Butt Pam idea. Let us all know! I'm thinking you could market something.
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