Friday, January 23, 2009

its a.....

lemon-yellow flavor! or perhaps minty green. we got a call this morning to say that our appointment was cancelled due to the technician being sick. we can't get another appointment for at least 2 weeks. very disappointed...


Kristal Sawyer said...


Lovella ♥ said...

well, you have waited this long. . .go for the birth suprise. . .kidding. So sorry!!!

ⒿⒶⓃⓔⓉ said...

It's all in GOD's timing, maybe the baby wasn't ready today =) See you tonight.

L&D said...

OH dear. Yellow will have to suffice then. Sigh.

Taxi Driver said...

Oh Heidi, I'm so very sorry! I had originally booked my tell-tale apt at 22 wks, but have become so antsy in the meantime, I moved it up two weeks for no good reason - we find out (barring any technician illness) Feb 3.

kelly ens said...

sorry to hear it :(
hope you'll get through the next few weeks quickly!

Keith - Kristen said...

You are to cute :)
I love those little shoes too!

Shannon said...

oh my goodness, I would have cried. patience is NOT my strong suit at all.

Sorry it got cancelled. The great part is that your little baby is still growing safe and happy and It will be just as exciting in two weeks to find out the flavor.

The bad part is that seemingly you will see three times as many awesome deals for baby stuff "if only" you knew to buy pink or blue. It just feels that way!

Z-Mama said...

Dang! I don't know if I could be patient for two more weeks after already expecting to know! It's like waking up on Christmas morning after all the waiting and then having your mom tell you that you can't open any of your presents! I am so sorry...but at the same time two weeks really isn't THAT far away! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Z-Mama said...

PS. Sorry I missed your call again...I will be at church tomorrow and will be looking for you though! I can grab those clothes if you bring them with you.

Thirsty said...

ah Heidi that is very disappointing. I hope you don't have to wait to much longer to find out.

Natalie Peters said...

shoot! Well, I hope that when you go for your appointment they have a clear shot and can tell you on the spot so you don't have to wait any longer! sometimes those wee ones get a little camera shy!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I remember waaaayyyyy back when, when Chris and I and other mommies to be SPIT IN DRANO CRYSTALS to find out if we were having a boy or girl.

The crystals were to turn black if it was one way, or stay clear or turn green or something if it was the other way.

PTHOOTIE! hee hee hee....

Unkempt Mommy said...

Awwww! That stinks!
Well, maybe all the suspense will just add to the awesomeness of moment when you find out!

nicanddiana said...

I hope you find out soon. We've had major problems trying to find out the sex of ours too. Not because of the baby. Not one doc has had the time to see us all the way through our pregnancy, so we've been moved on to our fourth doctor now. Really frustrated. I really want to know what were having, seriously considering going to the states.

Taxi Driver said...

We only "think" it's a girl. And that's because she looked like a girl to me. Our friend is an ER doc, not an ultrasound tech.....there's a difference when it comes to deciphering between the hamburger or hot dog. :) We'll have confirmation (or change of gender notification) on the 3rd.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Heidi, I keep checking your blog to see if the color has changed. Love Aunt Deo