Saturday, July 25, 2009

seeds of encouragement

as josh was leaving yesterday to go and get a few things from the grocery store, he stepped back inside to hand me this gorgeous gift basket. i looked at it blankly for a few moments before cluing in that it was actually for me! both boys were napping, so i took my time untying the ribbon and reading the card all the way through. it said that someone was thinking of me and thought that i needed a little bit of encouragement, so they nominated me to receive this gift basket! i was totally blown away as i took each item out of the basket. there was no reference as to who had wanted to encourage me, but all i could think of was that i had to thank somebody!

our family has received countless blessings lately, often in the form of gift cards given anonymously. we so appreciate the fact that others want to help us, and as much as we thank God for His answers to prayer in all of these gifts, we would so like to be able to thank the individual who God used to answer our prayers. we completely understand the reasons behind anonymous giving and so we are only able to ask that God bless those who have blessed us so abundantly. this time, though i just thought that i had to give a shout out to whoever it was that sent this basket for me. i still have tears in my eyes today, writing about it, completely awed that someone out there took the time to do this for me. so thank you, whoever you are. may God bless you for your kindness. and thank you to all those unnamed others who have blessed us in the past....your works have helped us more than i can say....not just materially, but spiritually as well. God is faithful, and he proves it to us over and over again.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. -Romans 15:5-6


M.R. Tumnus said...

How wonderful, what a blessing. Remember, it was fun for whoever left it too. A reminder that God loves us intensely and He chooses His people to show His love to us. Enjoy.

Lori said...

I totally understand. Most of the time we know who is donating to our adoption fund because they write a check or leave money in my paypal account. However, we have occasionally been given a 50 dollar bill (or some other amount) in an envelope left under the door to Troy's office. It makes me want to get up and thank everyone at church hoping that the anonymous giver is there.

That basket looks AWESOME!

Lovella ♥ said...

OH Heidi .. .it wasn't me. . .but I sure know why someone would want to bless you are a sweet girl. .always have been .. .always will be.
Happy Sunday.

Marion McCready said...

What a lovely blessing :)

Dena said...

oh, i just love what lovella said. and your mom. i'm sure it was just as much a blessing for them that left it. how very sweet. God is so good, isn't he?