this is how josh looked when i first began to fall for him. doesn't it look like he zapped everyone else on that bus into a supernatural slumber so that he could become the ruler of the world? or something like that. we always said it would make a good cd cover. the version we each carry of our love story differs slightly from one another, but the gist of it all is the same: pauper with long, flowing hair takes notice of princess with short, spiky hair gracefully walking through her castle abode. pauper convinces princess of his adoration by jumping from a window and spraining his ankle, then bestowing the Most Magical Kiss Ever upon her lips. princess and pauper fall head over heels in love with one another, spending as many precious moments together as they possibly can, walking amidst the green hills of england. distance then separates the pair which only makes their love more earnest and fervent until the day, 20 months after their initial meeting when they are wed. and they lived happily every after......or maybe that's just my version of it all.

i've told josh recently that the person i fell in love with is so different from the person he is today. i wonder how many marriages are ended because of this very thing happening. and yet, the changes i see in him have been brought about by God's constant molding and shaping. if the person i fell in love with was more like the person i am married to now, i may not have considered myself worthy for such a man as he. of course he isn't perfect, (i should hope not!) but he is perfect for me.

that last bit rhymed and now, reading it over again and shaking the lovie-dovie cobwebs from my brain, i am realizing that this post is on the verge of becoming quite sappy. i'm not sure i can remedy that situation since it appears i'm in a bit of a sappy mood at the moment. i was just looking through these older pictures when it struck me that the longer i live with this man, the stronger my feeling grows that i never want to live without him.

he buys me charleston chews because he knows i love them. he commands me to stop whatever it is that is giving me a hernia and just "go take a bubble bath" because he knows that i would never allow myself such a luxury until the hernia-inducing task has been finished. i have to admit that sometimes he knows best. he rubs my feet in the evenings ( i rub his too). he isn't bothered in the least if i suddenly decide that i don't want to cook dinner and make peanut butter & jam sandwiches instead. he is the very best daddy that i know: changing endless diapers, taking tristan with him to run errands just so i can have a moment's peace, wrestling and tickling and throwing balls until he is spent....and then waking up with the toddler in the wee hours of the morning just to start it all over again. he loves to get into the Word and share and discuss with me what he is learning. he challenges me at times to be a better example and to stand up for what is right. this can be difficult to hear, but often i need to hear it. he gives the Most Amazing hugs. and, the other night, just as i was falling asleep after a long day with the kids, wearing my pajamas the entire day without a speck of makeup to soften my haggard appearance, he came into bed, kissed me and said "have i ever told you how beautiful you are?"
this is my lover, this is my friend. the Lord has truly blessed me.

I wanna be blessed like that...You are lucky to have such a great husband! I'm happy that you guys are so happy together!
wonderful post Heidi. wonderful. thanks for sharing. I'm glad you have Josh and he has you.
What a beautiful Capernwray lovestory:)
Awwww, ahhhh, my heart is warm and challenged. Sappy feelings are Wonderful to have after years of marriage. Bless you.
Sappy is pathetic when a person is no longer interested in husband one or two but is moving onto three and is about number 3 and can't remember why she was sappy about number one.. Sappy is perfect and beautiful when it is still about number one.
Good for you Heidi. . .and the pictures are beautiful. You are beautiful.
oh, loved reading about your love, good job expressing yourself. a beautiful love story!
love all 4 of you
He does look like a serial killer in the first picture! Eeekkk! You truly do have a beautiful love story, and just think...you've only just begun the story. What wonders await you both!
this is beautiful!!! so wonderful to have such a great husband and strong marriage.
What a beautiful lovie-dovie story!!
How beautiful Heidi. It makes me want to look at all the things my husband does also. I know he is an amazing man and after 7 years and several challenging faultering decisions we have made, it makes me realize just how lucky I really am. Im so glad you two have each other, ....That must be what heaven on earth feels like.=)
your love story has always been right up there with mine, just love it so much. you guys are precious together, this warmed my heart.
Ok can I cry! You both are amazing people and I am so glad that you are my family. Heidi I love you so much and am so happy you are my sister. Josh you are an amazing brother and I am happy for the both of you. You look beautiful together. That picture from Hawaii is awesome.
Love you both,
life is good. :)
You were my first visitor. After visiting your blog I have lots of questions-not about your beautiful prose but about layout and such. You rock!
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