Friday, October 09, 2009

deader than a dead thing thats dead

this is in reference to our computer. it has died a sudden death and so far we haven't gotten around to seeing if it can be fixed or not. i am not even going to imagine that we may be computerless because if i start to think that way i may just go into cardiac arrest right here in the spinny chair at the public library.

i'm already missing my favorite blogs something awful, but am finding that i'm getting more reading done in those few quiet moments, which is really quite nice.

i hope to be back soon. right now i'm praying for some miracle worker to lay hands on our computer and raise it up from the dead...


Korinne Tjepkema said...

Your blog title has me laughing every time I think of it :) I hope for MY sake your computer isn't dead. Love "catching up" with you everytime your blog offers me a glimpse into your life!

Lovella ♥ said...

I am thinking out a prayer request on your computer's behalf. . .either that or starting up a computer fund for NBBS on my sidebar . ..let them figure out what it is for. . they might not ask. . .but just click the pay pal button with joy .. .

Korinne Tjepkema said...

I just saw your blog title from MY blog AGAIN. More laughter. Seriously, your blog title cracks me right up!

Shannon said...

oh dear, sorry!

This is why I am so so so happy my husband is a computer dude. But sometimes, a car dude would be much handier.