well, there were 28 comments on my last giveaway post and random.org selected comment #15 as the winner, so Heather I. won!! please email me at heidiruthie(at)hotmail(dot)com so that i can send you the gift voucher information. congratulations :)
so, onto the "baby woes" part. i really can't come up with a funny or cute post because i've been so out of it lately. i just wrote my mom yesterday morning and said, "i feel as if i've been in some sort of not-normal haze the past 11 days and i'm just aching for everything to get back to normal again." samuel has been sick. and then, just as he was getting better, he got even sicker. and then sick some more. it all started the day after his 1st birthday. i put him into the nursery at church and i know that that was a mistake i will never repeat. nothing against our particular church nursery..... i've heard that kids getting sick from being in the nursery is a problem that has been around ever since church nurseries were invented. but the thing is, i knew he was going to get sick afterwards. he always does after being in the nursery, which is why i chose not to put him in there the week before his birthday....i didn't want to risk him being sick for his party.
anyhow, so as i'm leaving him in there, i see him lunge for a blue plastic ball and immediately start licking it and i just thought to myself, "yep, he's going to be sick tomorrow." but i told myself that it would probably only be a little cold and that kids need to boost their immune systems anyhow and yada yada yada. the next day he was feeling poorly. the day after that i knew it was more than a cold. i could just tell. so i made a doctor's appointment and sure enough, ear infection. great! his 3rd ear infection in less than a year, love it. after a few days on the antibiotics, he started feeling better. by saturday he was almost completely himself, but then on sunday he started spiking a fever and falling asleep at random times throughout the day. after a sleepless night for both of us, with nearly no break from the fever, i took him back to the doctor on monday and found that the first ear infection had cleared up, leaving room for the amoxicillin resistant bacteria to start an even worse infection in his other ear. when your normally unflappable pediatrician who has looked in kids ears all day looks in your baby's ear, winces and says, "oh my!" you know its a doozy. time for the stronger, diarrhea inducing antibiotic to enter samuel's system. woopee!
the fever still refused to break all night which meant that he only wanted to be held. being held and rocked didn't mean that he would necessarily sleep, it just meant he wasn't crying and moaning like a drowning kitty. the fever went on pretty much the entire next day. then, when i thought things couldn't get much worse, he threw up all over me. he wasn't eating, wasn't really drinking much, wanted so badly to sleep, but couldn't and the motrin and tylenol i was giving him wasn't making a dent in his fever. so i took him back to the doctor. again. and i nearly cried in relief when the doctor looked in his ear and told me that the infection had gone from angry red to upset orange. he also instructed me to give him motrin/tylenol around the clock without waiting for them to wear off. that night i set my alarm for 3 different times and each time i managed to squirt the medicine into samuel's mouth without waking him up. it kept the fever from returning and i think i slept something like 10 hours that night!
he still isn't himself, though he has started to smile again which makes me want to cry with happiness. he wants to be held non-stop and clings onto us like a little monkey, which makes it extremely difficult to get much done around the house. oh, and he has roseola now. BUT his fever is gone and every day he is eating a little bit more and drinking a little bit more and i vow never to take normal, every day life for granted once he is all better. please remind me of this vow the next time i complain about any insignificant little thing, okay?
so, onto the "baby woes" part. i really can't come up with a funny or cute post because i've been so out of it lately. i just wrote my mom yesterday morning and said, "i feel as if i've been in some sort of not-normal haze the past 11 days and i'm just aching for everything to get back to normal again." samuel has been sick. and then, just as he was getting better, he got even sicker. and then sick some more. it all started the day after his 1st birthday. i put him into the nursery at church and i know that that was a mistake i will never repeat. nothing against our particular church nursery..... i've heard that kids getting sick from being in the nursery is a problem that has been around ever since church nurseries were invented. but the thing is, i knew he was going to get sick afterwards. he always does after being in the nursery, which is why i chose not to put him in there the week before his birthday....i didn't want to risk him being sick for his party.
anyhow, so as i'm leaving him in there, i see him lunge for a blue plastic ball and immediately start licking it and i just thought to myself, "yep, he's going to be sick tomorrow." but i told myself that it would probably only be a little cold and that kids need to boost their immune systems anyhow and yada yada yada. the next day he was feeling poorly. the day after that i knew it was more than a cold. i could just tell. so i made a doctor's appointment and sure enough, ear infection. great! his 3rd ear infection in less than a year, love it. after a few days on the antibiotics, he started feeling better. by saturday he was almost completely himself, but then on sunday he started spiking a fever and falling asleep at random times throughout the day. after a sleepless night for both of us, with nearly no break from the fever, i took him back to the doctor on monday and found that the first ear infection had cleared up, leaving room for the amoxicillin resistant bacteria to start an even worse infection in his other ear. when your normally unflappable pediatrician who has looked in kids ears all day looks in your baby's ear, winces and says, "oh my!" you know its a doozy. time for the stronger, diarrhea inducing antibiotic to enter samuel's system. woopee!
the fever still refused to break all night which meant that he only wanted to be held. being held and rocked didn't mean that he would necessarily sleep, it just meant he wasn't crying and moaning like a drowning kitty. the fever went on pretty much the entire next day. then, when i thought things couldn't get much worse, he threw up all over me. he wasn't eating, wasn't really drinking much, wanted so badly to sleep, but couldn't and the motrin and tylenol i was giving him wasn't making a dent in his fever. so i took him back to the doctor. again. and i nearly cried in relief when the doctor looked in his ear and told me that the infection had gone from angry red to upset orange. he also instructed me to give him motrin/tylenol around the clock without waiting for them to wear off. that night i set my alarm for 3 different times and each time i managed to squirt the medicine into samuel's mouth without waking him up. it kept the fever from returning and i think i slept something like 10 hours that night!
he still isn't himself, though he has started to smile again which makes me want to cry with happiness. he wants to be held non-stop and clings onto us like a little monkey, which makes it extremely difficult to get much done around the house. oh, and he has roseola now. BUT his fever is gone and every day he is eating a little bit more and drinking a little bit more and i vow never to take normal, every day life for granted once he is all better. please remind me of this vow the next time i complain about any insignificant little thing, okay?

SO glad and thankful that young Samuel is on the mend. You are so right - something like this puts things in perspective. You will enjoy your two Healthy sons so much. Have I told you lately what a wonderful Momma you are? I am so blessed, you taking care of those precious grandchildren the way you do. Love you. XO
What an ordeal you have all had! Poor little Samuel. How not fun for anyone :( Glad to hear that he is on the mend, and you got some sleep. After a nasty flu or cold, I vow never to complain again. It is so wonderful to feel "normal" again.
P.S. I have been SO swamped, that I had lovely plans to get the MEG thing done, but I kept putting it off when I had more time. I was thankful for the reminder, but had to go out and promise myself I would do it when I got home. I realized in horror this morning that I never got back to my computer. Oh well. If that blue blanket you have for Samuel is a MEG, then I definitely know why you like it so much. Wow, I still remember it being super soft when I put him to bed that night. Take care :)
Poor baby ... and mommy too! How awful for you guys. Kai has only had one ear infection which was horrible.
On a different note, I will email you right away. Yeah for winning, I never win anything :) and the MEG stuff is beautiful!!
I feel your pain, I've had all 4 of our kids throwing up over the last 4 days! Lanae had the stomach bug and fever for 2 days plus when I took her to the doctor found out she had a double ear infection (I think this is her 7th)....she has been soooo cranky and not sleeping good. The boys both decided to share and were sick together and just when I think everything is looking better Aleah loses it all over in the vehicle....fun times!! I hope Samuel is on the mend and everyone stays healthy!!
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! that sounds awful :( I hope things start improving and that you can all feel a bit of peace and rest there again soon!
Poor Samuel and you!! Glad he seems to be on the mend.
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