in a few weeks, josh and i will be going on our first overnight getaway EVER since having kids. wow. i just re-read that sentence and am sort of stunned that it is true. don't get me wrong, we've had nights alone before when tristan has spent the night elsewhere, but we've never had a chance to get away from the house overnight together in at least 4 years. (and the night we spent in the hospital before i gave birth to samuel doesn't count.) a good friend of josh's that we both know from capernwray is getting married up in LA and, though we could enjoy the wedding, then drive the 2 hours home to save money, we have decided that we deserve a night away and we're just going to take a deep breath and do it even though we really can't afford it.
sis and rob will take care of the boys (and i'm a bit nervous over leaving samuel overnight because he isn't exactly weaned yet, but everyone assures me he will do just fine and even though i know they're probably right, i can't help but worry about it because worrying is just something i feel like i have to do which is ridiculous, i know, but i figure if i get all my worry out now, then i'll have none left for that evening, right? and if i do find that i still have some leftover worry in my pocket, i'll just have another glass of wine and slow dance with my husband.) anyhow. so, sis and rob will take care of the boys which is completely awesome of them and it is also perfect because they live halfway between us and LA. i am nearly giddy with excitement when i think of going to this wedding. apart from the amazing looking venue, i'm mostly stoked that i get to eat a dinner that i didn't prepare without having to cut up baby bite sized pieces for samuel and get up from the table several times to retrieve forgotten condiments. and of course i'm excited about the alone time with my husband. that just goes without saying.
what i'm not terribly excited about is figuring out what to wear. this couple is a good 5 years younger than us, so i am assuming that the majority of guests present will also be equally young and fashionable and ridiculously good looking. this intimidates me somewhat. i'm the girl who has clothing hanging in my closet that is so un-trendy and blah-looking that it would be difficult to decipher which decade it was purchased in. i used to be fashionable, of course, back in the day before i was married with kids. i remember being so proud to own this very cool greenish sort of sweater (that i paid over $100 for without batting an eye) because courteney cox wears the exact same sweater in a certain friends episode and i bought it before that episode ever aired. yeah, i was that cool. i would buy magazines just to narrow down my choices for what sort of footwear i should purchase that season. now? please don't ask me what's in style. all i know is that i think the current trends are downright ugly. my mom and i visited my favorite store when i was in BC in april and the moment i walked in the door i felt so very old because i didn't get any of the clothes. they were very slouchy and shapeless and sad looking and everything confused me. and that's when i realized that i had become one of those moms i used to look at when i was in high school....you know, the ones with the back-combed hair and fluffy bangs with their shirt tucked into their mom jeans....we used to say they were "stuck in the 80's". well i now know that i am stuck in the 2000's. because that decade was the last place i remember having any fashion sense at all.
so, back to the wedding. as i was saying, my closet is such a mish-mash of non stylish clothing (some of which still may have "maternity" written on the tag) that i have absolutely no clue what to wear to this wedding. the only dress that fits me right now is the one i wore as a bridesmaid 3 months ago and i really would prefer not to be mistaken as a member of the bridal party at this upcoming wedding. i have a brown skirt with an awful pattern on it that i got on clearance at kmart about 3 years ago and a long black broomstick type skirt that my mom in law gave to me because she no longer wanted it. those are not even remote options. is it any wonder that i've begun to pray that stacey and clinton will miraculously appear before my eyes and whisk me away to new york for a week? until they do appear, (i believe in miracles) you may find me furtively searching the racks at our local thrift store, or raiding friends' closets uninvited. a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. and i gotta find me a dress!
sis and rob will take care of the boys (and i'm a bit nervous over leaving samuel overnight because he isn't exactly weaned yet, but everyone assures me he will do just fine and even though i know they're probably right, i can't help but worry about it because worrying is just something i feel like i have to do which is ridiculous, i know, but i figure if i get all my worry out now, then i'll have none left for that evening, right? and if i do find that i still have some leftover worry in my pocket, i'll just have another glass of wine and slow dance with my husband.) anyhow. so, sis and rob will take care of the boys which is completely awesome of them and it is also perfect because they live halfway between us and LA. i am nearly giddy with excitement when i think of going to this wedding. apart from the amazing looking venue, i'm mostly stoked that i get to eat a dinner that i didn't prepare without having to cut up baby bite sized pieces for samuel and get up from the table several times to retrieve forgotten condiments. and of course i'm excited about the alone time with my husband. that just goes without saying.
what i'm not terribly excited about is figuring out what to wear. this couple is a good 5 years younger than us, so i am assuming that the majority of guests present will also be equally young and fashionable and ridiculously good looking. this intimidates me somewhat. i'm the girl who has clothing hanging in my closet that is so un-trendy and blah-looking that it would be difficult to decipher which decade it was purchased in. i used to be fashionable, of course, back in the day before i was married with kids. i remember being so proud to own this very cool greenish sort of sweater (that i paid over $100 for without batting an eye) because courteney cox wears the exact same sweater in a certain friends episode and i bought it before that episode ever aired. yeah, i was that cool. i would buy magazines just to narrow down my choices for what sort of footwear i should purchase that season. now? please don't ask me what's in style. all i know is that i think the current trends are downright ugly. my mom and i visited my favorite store when i was in BC in april and the moment i walked in the door i felt so very old because i didn't get any of the clothes. they were very slouchy and shapeless and sad looking and everything confused me. and that's when i realized that i had become one of those moms i used to look at when i was in high school....you know, the ones with the back-combed hair and fluffy bangs with their shirt tucked into their mom jeans....we used to say they were "stuck in the 80's". well i now know that i am stuck in the 2000's. because that decade was the last place i remember having any fashion sense at all.
so, back to the wedding. as i was saying, my closet is such a mish-mash of non stylish clothing (some of which still may have "maternity" written on the tag) that i have absolutely no clue what to wear to this wedding. the only dress that fits me right now is the one i wore as a bridesmaid 3 months ago and i really would prefer not to be mistaken as a member of the bridal party at this upcoming wedding. i have a brown skirt with an awful pattern on it that i got on clearance at kmart about 3 years ago and a long black broomstick type skirt that my mom in law gave to me because she no longer wanted it. those are not even remote options. is it any wonder that i've begun to pray that stacey and clinton will miraculously appear before my eyes and whisk me away to new york for a week? until they do appear, (i believe in miracles) you may find me furtively searching the racks at our local thrift store, or raiding friends' closets uninvited. a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. and i gotta find me a dress!

I'm so bummed to see that those shoes pictured are not in style! I guess I'll have to return my pair! :)
raid friends closet.
enjoy the night away. It took us just over 7 years to get away to a hotel without children and it was lovely.
Baby will be fine. And if he cries, he is in good hands for being rocked and loved. Enjoy the time away.
You will have a wonderful time and look beautiful in whatever you wear. Enjoy your time with your hubby :)
I agree with Amy, you will look fabulous in whatever you wear, but have FUN looking for a dress! And most of all enjoy your time away!
I had to smile while reading this because my sister and I had a conversation about styles not long ago... How we dont get them and we must be non trendy moms now. Really though I think they are hideous, seriously.
Have fun on your night away! We havent been away since our oldest was two (5 years ago) but hope to for over a week for our 10th! Cant wait, even though its not till May.
Hope you find something to wear, your beautiful so you'll look good in whatever you find, even if its the brown skirt in yor closet.
Heidi - I am so excited to watch your boys for you and josh. My kids can't wait either. A cousins sleepover - how fun! I have that black dress i want you to try on Sunday. Looking forward to spending the day with you guys. Love you tons
Dare to be who you want to be. That is the best choice instead of being what 'they' want you to be. Both in your style of dress and in your mannerisims.
Fortunately you may not know many of the people at this event and I think it's a great oppotunity to be a couple who is a role model to this possibly younger crowd. They could end up looking up to you of all things.
And you may relate to many of them in the end.
I sent you a black long sleeve criss-cross slinky material shirt. Maybe you can work with that or I could send you an orange with a goldeness to it long sleeve of the same criss-cross in the chest if you like. Very cleavagey for you. I wore the orange one with a brown pencil skirt at my sister's wedding in fall of '08.
Maybe she'll give you the password to the website of her wedding pics so you could see it. If you want it let me know. I'll send it stat. I don't know why I held onto it. I had it in mind for you in the first place.
I agree, raid closets. that's what i do when i need something to wear, that's what friends are for =)
I have some dresses...come and check them out.
Oh Heidi... I love reading your posts.. you say thing we all think at some point in time but never say... I do hope you get a cute dress for the wedding and enjoy your time away. Half the fun is the anticipation.
You will look amazing in whatever you wear Heidi! I vote for raiding friend's closets because, when are you going to wear it again? If you spend the money you'll probably feel guilty and not wear it again!
And note on fashions from someone who is under 25, they are just weird this year and last! Jeggings are in this year apparently. Jeggings. Not leggings. Jeggings. Jean leggings. Can you say ewh?? I don't own a single pair of skinny jeans or leggings! Lol. I do nOT have the body shape for either So no. you're not the only one confused by what's "in". :-)
Hi Heidi.
I was feeling many of these feelings before Cherie's wedding and spent way to much time thinking about what to wear. Went to the thrift shop once and an $8 whatever seemed too expensive and it would require me to buy something else to go with it...
I ended up in a white blouse and cream skirt (already in my closet!) with an added confidence from God and a contentedness that came from Him.
Hope you have a great time away.
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