on behalf of the newest reader of my blog, who FINALLY got her internet set up (yay, leah!) i am making the font of this post a little larger for her strained eyes, which is very nice of me, as i could have just told her to quit whining and wear her glasses next time. but i love her, so i didn't do that. by the way, this is not my engaged friend named leah, this is my happily married with two kids friend named leah. having two very close friends named leah can be confusing to people, since they never know which one i'm talking about, but to me, their names sound completely different. probably because they are so extremely different from one another... except for the fact that they both make me laugh.
so, it's 8.15am and josh is downstairs watching some guy type of shooting movie, while i lean back in our newly aquired comfy office chair, with the sun streaming through the window, basking in the afterglow of a wonderful birthday. yes, i turned a whopping 25 years old yesterday. (i even checked my profile on my blog today to see if it changed to 25.) last year was the first birthday when i finally decided that i didn't want to get any older. 24 just sounds a lot worse than 23. and 25.... i shudder to think i've lived that long. i mean, i don't feel like i know enough to be 25 years old! but, as soon as i start to feel panicky, i just remember that josh is over 3 years older than me, and he ALWAYS will be, and that makes me feel a little bit better.
it was such a wonderful day, full of unexpected phone calls and emails and cards and gifts. even a couple of friends that didn't know it was my birthday just happened to write me letters that arrived yesterday! it was one of those days where you just feel overwhelmed by so many people loving you. it was positively perfect. josh invited the family over and bbq'd even though it was pouring rain, and we had strawberry shortcake for dessert with a tea-light stuck in it because he forgot to buy birthday candles, and i got to listen to my whole family back home sing happy birthday to me on the phone while everyone here sang it to me in person. (actually my family back home started singing when everyone here was already halfway through the song, so it was a little bit funny. but you all back home had some gorgeous harmony going--sure it was mostly due to cara!)
today i'm working at the library from 11-3 (trying not to think about it) and after that, josh and i are going down the hill with my birthday money and going shopping! we both have a serious addiction to plants, so our first stop is home depot's garden centre to satisfy our cravings. then we'll go to target and costco, and come back home and plant things. then we'll kick back and watch my newest audrey hepburn movie that josh gave me. ooh, and maybe go for a walk! yes, after this bit at the library is done, i think today looks to be a rather perfect day.
~heidi, Happily a Quarter of a Century Old
I think it was acutally your grandma who was belting out(projecting beautiful)the great alto line :) After we finished singing Sarah, who had been sleeping in her car seat, or had just woken, started crying...I guess it was so loud. It was cute. Anyway, I thought of you on your b-day and meant to email specifically...sorry. Glad you had such a great day.
It's good you guys are into plants. You better than I, as they can get too thirsty with me.
So cool to have Cherie home. She is such a natural with babies :) Love you lots!!
Thankyou Heidi, my eyes don't have to strain quite so much. Am I really the only one who mentioned this? And I'm only 24. So young. Anyhoo, I like being able to catch up with your life. Keep em coming, you make me laugh!
Love you and miss you tons,
from happily married + 2 kids and a dog in Mission.
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