Tuesday, May 10, 2005

our first pet(s)

josh and i have recently taken a huge step in our relationship. we have aquired our first pets. we have goldfish.

when we moved in, the owners had left quite a few things here that they no longer wanted. one of those things was a fish tank, complete with a few fish, alive and dead. (if you look at the photo posted below, you can see the fish tank). at first, i wasn't sure what to think. my older brother and i had goldfish when we were young. i named my fish sally, and i distinctly remember my mom flushing both fish down the toilet after an unfortunate incident involving enthusiastic over-feeding. the fish tank in this house seemed to be in the way, so we moved it over to a corner of the kitchen. i didn't pay much attention to them, so josh began to feed them. one morning, he woke me up early because he had spotted quite a large fish in the tank that must hide all day because we never see her. we decided to call her nessie, after the loch ness monster. since that discovery, i have slowly become more and more attatched to the fish. josh named the others, i think they're denny eddie and moe, or something like that. he sometimes accidentally refers to them as "his" fish, but i am always quick to correct him. my mom sent us a bit of money for a house warming gift and, after much discussion, we finally decided to buy some more fish with it! so we now have the prettiest little neon tetras swimming around in there, as well as an algae eater, who is the biggest pig i've ever seen..he NEVER stops eating! josh really wanted to buy a little turtle for the tank, but we were told by the lady at the pet shop that only teachers are allowed to buy turtles. what's up with that?

speaking of turtles, rob and jessica found a snapper turtle near there house awhile ago. they brought it inside and were attempting to house it for awhile, but she didn't seem to be doing too well. so, on mother's day, they brought sandy (the turtle) with them and came to our pond to release her. i wasn't here, but apparently, she was thrilled and jumped in the water right away! yesterday morning, to relax, i went out in the canoe and paddled around. i wasn't really looking for sandy, but i heard a little splash and turned just in time to see her head go back in the water, right next to my boat! she did a little flip and a corkscrew dive and disappeared. she must think she's in heaven out there!

today is the first day off i've had since last tuesday. i have direct orders from my husband to VEG. and that's it. so i am about to go have a luxurious bath in our fantastic new sunk in bathtub and read, which is something i rarely have time to do anymore. i am currently reading a book called "captivating" by john and staci elderidge. i'm enjoying it a lot.

the bath is beckoning!


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