Monday, August 01, 2005

because now i know how to

because now i know how to post pictures from our new camera, AND because its nearly midnight and i cannot sleep, i decided to post a plethera of pictures (ooh, lovely alliteration) for your enjoyment. please try and ignore the captions under the photos that don't make any sense. i don't type too well in the dark. what i MEANT to say under the first photo of our new american flag is that these pictures were taken at our fourth of july bbq. and then i added a couple of oliver just cause he's so darn cute.

in less than three weeks my parents will be here!! and in five weeks we'll be in hawaii!! and in less than five months it will be christmas ( marilyn, that one was for you). today was a happy day off...i got to sun myself while talking on the phone to my friend christy, and then decided it was too hot, so came inside and continued talking to christy while oliver licked my tummy (i guess he had a salt craving). then i got to go shopping with the excuse of buying a birthday gift for my mom who looks way too young to be turning 51 in a week. i picked up groceries on the way home plus a new dustpan, which excited me so much that i simply had to try it out when i got home. i got the entire floor swept and mopped just as josh walked in the door from work. after a lovely dinner of herb and garlic posta (not paasta), garlic bread and salad with a glass of wine, i gave josh the foot massage i had promised him last night. we watched an episode of jordan's crossing, taped for us by josh's parents, took a look outside at the gorgeous sunset and promptly went to bed. half an hour later i decided i couldn't sleep and came in here to post pictures. now you are up to date on my life. now i can go back to bed.


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