Wednesday, August 02, 2006

tiny little thumpings

i feel it!!! ever since my last doctor's visit, when he told me i'd be feeling the baby move very soon, i've tried to just take some time each day to relax and concentrate on the feelings inside of me. up until yesterday, everything i felt seemed to be just gas (experiencing A LOT of gas lately, as josh can attest to!) but last night, we were watching tv and i felt something different. i mentioned it to josh, but we both agreed it was probably still gas. later in the evening, i was sitting in bed, reading a pregnancy magazine and i felt the same sensation over and over for about 3 minutes! it was crazy! it didn't really feel like "flutterings" to me, it was more as if someone was flicking their finger against the inside of my stomach, very lightly. i felt it again this's the strangest thing to think that a living person inside of me is making himself known! in less than one week we'll be able to start calling baby stew by his or her first name...hopefully he'll cooperate and let us get a good look!

so the "two little birth control pills" who spent the night last weekend were pretty much angels. they went to bed easily and didn't wake up too early. i had to work both days, but josh had fun playing with them....its been raining quite a bit lately, which is unexpected and SO nice after the heat wave! the cooler weather has given me a lot more energy to do stuff around the house like i used to before i was pregnant. the other thing i've been working my butt of on is getting all of the donated books ready for the church library. my awesome helper, irene put out a notice that we need more volunteers. 5 women responded and yesterday i met with all of them, showing what they can do to help!! that was such an answer to prayer, since we have over 700 books to process and i'm only on #350 after working on them for months and months. our hope is to open the new library in september.

3 days until my parents arrive! i can just taste those dill pickle to go nab some gerkins from the fridge :)


L&D said...

Horray for feeling baby kick! That is sooooooo awesome. Isn't it incredible? Breath taking! Feeling movement is by far the best thing about pregnancy. Enjoy it. Enjoy every single minute.

Kathy said...

Super. Those little movements really feel like nothing else. You are not alone!

Enjoy your folk's visit and the goodies and love they bring along.

Bless you,

PS You look great pregnant.

Marion McCready said...

If he/she is anything like mine the kicking will be non-stop from now on - my little boy saves the big ones for when I eating my evening meal and of course in the middle of the night hmmm.

Lee said...

nothing in the world like it! I am so happy for you, your first pregnancy is so amazing, all these firsts... I love seeing pics of you and your beautiful little belly.

kelly ens said...

That's just what it felt like for me too! I was trying to decipher between gas and kicks, and the kicks were like being flicked and not flutters, like so many people said. oooh - isnt' that so exciting? yay for the kicking baby stew :)

Z-Mama said...

Yay! For me it wasn't really fluttering either. I think I would describe it like a pulse point about an inch below my belly button. How fun!

Ej said...

Isn't it the coolest feeling? It always made me feel so good knowing my baby was kicking around.

Nicci said...

YOu look beautiful as a glowing pregnant lady. Isn't it the most wonderful feeling when you first feel your baby move? It makes it feel real.You'll miss it when it's over

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

You made my blog!

jennifer said...

that is awesome that you can feel movement!! woo hoo! i haven't felt anything yet, soon though, i hope...