nope, a full night's sleep was certainly not repeated last night, but hey, i'll take what i can get! yesterday we drove an hour north to visit josh's sister and her family. it's been awhile since we've been up there and we had a great time. it was a HOT day. we walked to their clubhouse and played in the games room for awhile, then came back to the house and sis and i got to chat while the guys took the kids to el pollo loco to bring us back some lunch. after lunch we just chilled..tristan took his naps in whoever's arms he happened to be laying in, and in the evening we all went to wal mart to pick up items for a care package our church is sending to the troops in afghanistan. i was pretty impressed with how well tristan did, being gone all day long. he wasn't the happiest baby i've ever seen, but i was expecting a lot worse.
kaylee and john were both in the "mothering" mood, especially kaylee with her cindy doll. she would put her down for naps and i gave her a couple of tristan's diapers so that she could change her doll too. she'd put cindy under her shirt and when sis asked what she was doing, kaylee very matter-of-factly said, "i'm just breastfeeding." i may have told this story before, but it's worth repeating: when sis was growing up, she lugged her cabbage patch doll around with her everywhere and one day, like kaylee, she had her doll under her shirt. gramps asked sis what she was doing, and she told him she was feeding her baby. "what are you feeding her?" gramps asked. sis thought for a bit, then told him, "pancakes!"
this morning tristan and i took a nice long walk with janet and her son kolby. i really need to get out more and exercise. my goal is to be able to wear the maternity capris that i wore early on in pregnancy...they're a little snug, but i'm dying in this heat with only jeans to wear! one more week till my parents get here...can't wait. they're going to watch tristan so that josh and i can have another date. yipee!
Heidi ~ Love the story about the Pancakes. Micah, my little charge tells me she's giving her babies "nursy". It's very cute, especially when she tries to cover up with a blanket.
I'm jealous of the warm weather, and no snow!
I look forward to no mat. clothes. hopefuly by the time summer comes for me i'll be back into normal clothes. (I probably shouldn't count on it ;) )
You look great though!
I just love the pancakes story. I laughed out loud. Little kids really do say the darndest things. So glad you had time with family.
OOOh too hot for jeans, I'm so jealous, bad Lovella . . be thankful for the rain.
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