...and i'm beginning to think it's not just a fluke. will be extra diligent with the cluster feedings at night. i am booking the tickets RIGHT NOW for our trip to canada. dates are july 12- july 21. we're hoping to do a picnic at a park where anyone who would like to can come on out and hang out with us for an afternoon. 4 more months! i'm so ready to see snow covered mountains again.
They might not be covered in snow when you get here. way to go T for letting mommy sleep. Even at every other night it's a total blessing. Yay.
P.S. What park? what day? what time? lol I am just excited, don't mind me.
not sure yet where and when...although it will probably be in abbotsford. are you up for the trek out there? ;) i'm thinking a saturday or sunday afternoon might work best for most people...
We should be living down there by then again so let us know the time and place and i'll be there. We can take pics of our new babies together. Fun times.
i'd love to see you, nicci! and i should have said this in the post but i think it'd be fun just to have it an open invitation to anyone who reads my blog and wants to show up...even if i haven't met you before. NOT that i think of myself as some celebrity or anything, but i often think how cool it'd be to actually meet some of the blog authors that i've read for awhile.
fun stuff!!
be sure to apply for Tristans passport asap. :)
Yes, great reminder to get his passport! Wish I was in Abby at that time!! Have fun with your mom and dad next week, too! It seems the link to Mark and Tamara's blog isn't the new one they have. It's at: plantingpennies.blogspot.com, and they are in Ecuador right now, so have some neat pictures. Tamara has SHORT hair again!
See, Heidi - it's okay to talk about your kids - my mom's still doing it. It's cool.
Besides, I love hearing how things are going in your neck of the woods. We get the same blessing from you that you do from us. Carry on.
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