Friday, October 12, 2007


we arrived back home on wednesday and had an EXCELLENT time away. however it was so great to see josh again and settle back into the regular routine. the day after we arrived (yesterday) our landlords asked us to move. this came as a huge shock to us. we have LOVED living here for the past 2 1/2 years and were not planning on leaving so soon. i cried pretty much the whole morning, then got ahold of myself and started praying hard that we'll find a new place by december 1st, which is when we have to be gone. so the search is on for a new home for our little family. please join us in prayer that God will open the doors for us to find the right place.

i will blog more about our canadian trip later. right now i need to go to bed :)


rachel joy said...

oh, so sad!

Naomi said...

I am so dissapointed for you.You can count on lots of prayers from me.

Lovella ♥ said...

remember the passport.

. .praying . .

L&D said...

Yes, Lovella is quite right. He got the passport.....He can do this too.

Praying my dear. Praying hard. It will come together. He never lets us down.