Monday, July 20, 2009

an awfully dull update

well, i survived another 2 days without having josh at home. when he walked through the door early friday evening, i literally cried tears of joy! i never managed to have both boys napping at the same time either day...for some reason, samuel wasn't keen on sleeping much at all, actually. he was up hungry every 2 hours on thursday night, but has since gone back to sleeping longer stretches, so it must have just been a growth spurt. tristan was just plain bored and sick of being home, but there weren't many other options since it was over 100 degrees outside. my brilliant idea of taking them to the library for the afternoon sort of bombed since it seemed every other desperate mom in our town had the same idea. it was a zoo in there and only minutes after we arrived, tristan was telling me that he was "all done." so instead of enjoying the AC in the library, i hauled them back into the car and took a more scenic drive home with the AC cranked, going as slowly as i could so that samuel would nap a little bit.

my mother in law was an angel, taking tristan overnight again...don't know what i would have done without her! when she brought him back home the next morning, she informed me that tristan had told her a couple of different times, "mommy says crap." hmmmm, i guess my diligence in avoiding that word lately doesn't seem to have mattered child suddenly has a long memory. tristan also hopped out of bed at 10pm and marched down the hallway toward the living room at my in-law's house saying "daby cockitt!" he had been told that he could watch davy crockett when he woke up the next morning and he must have thought that 2 hours of sleep was good enough!

feeling the need for some "mommy alone time" i went and got my hair cut yesterday afternoon. i think it had been something like 10 months since my last hair cut (horrors!) so i told the stylist to take her time and just enjoyed having no responsibility for an hour. my only criteria was that my hair would still be long enough to put into a ponytail, and i ended up really liking the results.

i have a cousin who is due with her baby any day now, my sister in law cara, who is due in a couple of weeks, and my best bud RW, who is due a couple of weeks after that. neither of these girls know if they're having a boy or a girl (it seems like its more common not to find out the gender when you live in canada), which adds to the excitement. it really doesn't seem like 6 weeks have passed since my own baby was born...i feel like time has sped up all of a sudden. samuel has been giving lots of shy smiles and a few big grins lately. the other day i was giving him a bath and singing "baby beluga" to him and he smiled at me so big i was sure a giggle was about to escape! no giggles yet, but i think they'll be coming soon.

i am so ready for summer to be over already! i don't know exactly what it is about this year, but i'm finding it much more difficult to handle the heat. we've been having over 100 degree weather lately, with temperatures barely dipping below 80 degrees overnight. tristan's bedroom is the only one with a window AC unit so far, but we have awesome friends who are giving us another one for samuel's room. he sleeps so much better when swaddled, but the other evening i had to unwrap him because he was sweating SO much. after about 30 minutes of his little arms batting at the air as if he was trying to swim away, i finally put the swaddle back on him and he fell asleep shortly after...poor little guy. i've got 3 fans going in his room at the same time, and that just makes it barely bearable. downstairs we've got a swamp cooler in one of the windows that we've had to run nearly all day. even with every fan in the house going at full speed, i still feel as if i need to take another shower every hour!

maybe its just the time of day (i've been up with tristan since 4:45) but this blog post is looking awfully dull to me. ah well, sometimes a boring update is all i can muster. and if you have time to do some more reading and lots of praying, please visit this family's blog. their little girl was born only a few days ago with such major complications that its a miracle she is alive. i get tears in my eyes whenever i think about them, even though i've never met them and i know they'd appreciate as much prayer as possible.


M.R. Tumnus said...

Not boring at all to me Heidi. That little T of yours is one smart boy, he'll be keeping tabs on you for a long time!
We are supposed to get 100 degree weather later this week, hope yours gets cooler. XO

Lovella ♥ said...

Nope. . not boring to me either. . .
I found myself contemplating .. .starting a fund raiser to get you and the boys out to Canada. . .
100 degrees is too hot. .
I know we are supposed to get some hot weather here too but at least our nights cool off.

hugs to you!

sara said...

Let's go to the pool sometime!

Z-Mama said...

It's everyday life...not boring! Much more exciting than any post I can come up with right now!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Heat + New Baby + Toodlertyke = A distinct feeling of being punished.

I remember being flat on the floor, trying to keep cool with popsicles and a new baby because it was 108 degrees in La Mesa. Lived in the bathtub a lot...

You have my complete sympathy and envy that you can at least dream of your life back in cool Canada...

PS: Scripps Aquarium is very nice and cool inside...also the airport is an interesting to sit and watch planes for a bit in air conditioning. Head up to the top of Mt. Soledad or Mt. is cooler there. La Jolla is HOT, parking is awful...but remember my offer if you need a spot.

Leanne said...

I'm returning the favour after your comment on my blog. Thanks for the well wishes! I'll be sure to check back often :)

Shannon said...

I don't like summer. Just don't like it.

Glad things seems to be going well for you and yours. Time has flown hasn't it!

Family Of Five said...

I love the updates! We can all relate so it's not boring!