do you ever find yourself blog-hopping just in case you become inspired to write the most amazing post ever, thereby ending the 7 day fast you've forced upon your own blog for lack of fodder? did that last sentence even make sense? so, for some reason i've been feeling as if all of the ordinary and mundane things that make up my daily life aren't blog-worthy and are definitely boring. which is strange because i get such pleasure out of reading about other people's ordinary and mundane daily lives. hmmm...
and why, in heaven's name can i not move that picture WAAAAAY up there at the top of my post? i'd like for it to be a little bit more down here. but anyway.
yes, our swing is a marvelous thing. it was given to us before tristan was born and i think that boy used it a grand total of 3 times. he hated that thing. of course, he hated most everything we put him in at that age, or so it seemed to us due to his relentless crying. speaking of relentless crying, i've pretty much confirmed that, though samuel loves his baths (i like to think he especially loves the way i sing "baby beluga" to him while he's in his bath) he really REALLY dislikes being taken out of his bath. he's always super grumpy afterwards, and this morning was no exception. after spitting up all over himself and myself before church, i popped him in the bathtub, dried him off and dressed him in a new outfit. by the time all of the snaps were closed, he was crying pretty hard. and i thought to myself, as i picked him up and soothed him, that if there were a few babies crying in the same room i wouldn't be able to discern my own baby's cries because he really hardly ever cries. josh pointed out later while i was telling him all this that he did cry really hard the other day when tristan tripped over samuel's head as he was laying on the floor. this is true, but other than that, i've maybe heard him cry hard once or twice.
okay, so back to the swing...the place we live in is teensy, tiny, small. our living room is the same size as some people's bathrooms. so when i suggested to josh a few weeks ago that we should haul the baby swing out of the garage, i wasn't surprised that he asked "WHERE in the world are we going to put it?" i told him we could put it back in the garage when we weren't using it and pull it back out when we needed it, which was a total load of hogwash, but i needed some sort of answer because i just knew that samuel would love it. he loves being walked and he loves being rocked. and he now loves his swing, thanks to his loving mommy who took that darn swing out of the garage and dusted it off, piece by piece and pinched my finger while setting it up. but it was so worth it because now, after he's been in his bouncy chair for 10 minutes and is done with that, i can plop him in his swing and he will stare at the right hand corner of it, totally mesmerized for at least another 10 minutes. and that, my friends, is just enough time for me to whip up some dinner.
oh yes, and that little fishy, lovingly tucked in between samuel's legs? that was put there by his big brother, just in case samuel got bored of staring at the right hand corner of his swing and needed something to play with. i love my boys.

none of my babies loved the swing as much as Ellie did. So sad that nobody else did.
I love it when we find something that gives us a moment peace, and baby is happy!!
I love the swing too! Totally saved my sanity many times.
Is he staring at something shiny in the corner? Andy used to stare at the fridge handle when he was a few weeks old, looking over my shoulder. So nice for Tristan to make sure Samuel has toys. XO
No, a swing couldn't fit in my bathroom...not really.
I had to smile. .because every now and then .. .I try to talk Terry into moving something around in our bungalow .. or bringing something in. . .and he always says. . .and where would we put it and I always try various ways of figuring it all out and sometimes I am convincing . .even to myself and sometimes I realize the absurdity of my suggestion and it falls flat.
Just Saturday. . .I was vaccuming and rescuing lost blocks from under the couch .. and stood in my living room. . for about 10 minutes. . trying to rearrange. .but it ended up the way it started. ..but . . hey trying to figure out new configurations is free. .isn't it?
Glad you brought your swing in. Our first grand hated it. .the second grand loved it. . and the third grand agrees with the second.
Your posts are NEVER boring or mundane, don't ever forget that :)
Thank you for commenting on my blog! You have made my day. =)
I agree with Christy, your blog is never boring!
I like the swing at my house when I babysit Kaiser. Today he fell asleep in it! He likes to fall asleep with someone holding him, or nursing /bottle! So this was a treat. Thanks to whoever invented the baby swing!! (I just don't like the repetitive music)
I vote we get up a movement to issue a Nobel Peace Prize to whom ever it was that invented the baby swing. Every swing loving baby's momma would vote with me I'm sure!
(Our first baby swing took up approximately 1/4 of our living room. You basically had to set on the couch to get around the room!)
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