...but so far i'd have to agree with my mom that 3 is my favorite age. i love how he can express himself so well now. i feel as if i finally have a window into his mind. i love how he plays make believe with his toys and cares for them as if they're his closest friends. i love his ongoing cuddliness, now accompanied with "i love you's" and abundant compliments ("you so pritty and so hampsom, mommy"). i love how interested he is in books now, even if they don't rhyme and how i can explain things to him and see that he actually gets it. i love it that his face is an open book; his wonder and anger and excitement and determination and pride is on display for all to see. i love how observant he is...how he stands back to see what a situation is all about before entering it. i love his childish faith. his prayers are some of the sweetest things i've ever heard.

yes, i do believe that 3 is my favorite age so far. i'll let you know if that feeling continues ;)

Sweet - I'm sure he's loving being 3, too. He's growing up so beautifully!
So glad to hear it! It gives me something to look forward to, considering how similar Tristan and Coranelle were as babies! I hope you continue to love age 3! Give him a big hug for me!
I love hearing your stories about the sweet things he says 'so pritty and so hansom!' It warms my heart and makes me look forward to seeing my little one in one months time... xox
Sacha Wright
oh it is a fun age. His vocabulary multiplies daily... and it is fun to watch.
Laying on the floor at the grocery store, not as much fun.
i love your cake! hayden loves cars as well!!!! (watched it like 10 times over break at the inlaws). Im glad 3 is so great!
so true, Heidi. I do believe that the first 2,5 years are the toughest-at least they were with Lena-and now they are so much more understanding.
-- Sophie from BW
I still remember looking at my first one at the age of three and thinking, three is wonderful! I think she was wearing a green dress with ties on the shoulders. That was many years ago and I still say three is my favorite age!
I think that I loved the ages 3 and 4 the best. All the years you love them the same but some years are just so endearing between mom and son. Awesome cake.
Three, four and seven. Totally great years.
I just heard someone mention on the radio that their kids are loving the old Davy Crockett television series on CD. Now that Grampa Brad is semi retired, I'd be willing to bet that he would love to have Tristian and his other grandsons come over and enjoy some Davy time on a regular basis. I can just picture it now...Brad and his three grandsons, and maybe even Josh, all lined up on the couch, Davy Crockett hats in place, munching pop corn and singing along to the theme song.
Oh that image has TOTALLY made my day!
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