so, the weight loss goal is in full swing. i'm keeping track of what i eat using weight watchers points, and am exercising daily. i'm actually surprised at how satisfied i feel without all of that crap i used to eat. makes me wonder what took me so long to shape up! my most vulnerable time of the day comes after the boys are in bed, when josh and i collapse on the couch and turn on the tv. i always always used to savor something sweet right about then. something SO not weight watchers friendly. things like ice cream with hot fudge sauce, chocolate pudding, brownies with chocolate frosting, chocolate candy bar....ok i've really got to stop because after typing all that out, my mouth is threatening to drown me with all the watering its doing.
my question for you is: what is your guiltless pleasure? what sorts of "treats" do you eat that really aren't that bad for you? specifically in the chocolate family, in case you missed the fact that i'm a chocoholic. thankfully, with weight watchers, there's wiggle room in that you can save up extra points and decide to splurge on dessert on the weekend, but for me, once a week just doesn't cut it. i need me some chocolate NOW! so, please help a girl out and spill your secrets.
thank you :)

my 'bad' of choice.
weight wathers brownies are really yummy - and only a few points!! Good job on the weight loss!
I love fudgesicles and the little jello pudding snack cups, dont know how that falls in the weight watchers points thing but I dont feel so bad when I have those. I too love chocolate so I feel for you :)
Walmart GV fudge bars are actually quite WW friendly and way cheaper than the Skinny Cow or WW desserts.
After halloween I bought a bag of those mini Heath bars and while watching tv one night I ate like 10 of them. (or 15, I'm not counting) When I looked at the calorie and saturated fat count I was mortified. 3 of those mini bars were 50% of my daily fat intake. There was only guilt.
I have a recipe for a chocolate cluster with almonds and cranberries! Sweets is one thing that seems so hard to give up!
I can't help you out at all because I could care less if there is a cubboard full of chocolate in our house. My downfall is cheese... of any kind. Cheese and I need to break up but I don't think thats going to happen:) Sometimes I crave sweets but that was mainly just during my pregnancies and now that I'm not, the cravings are basically gone. Brie has been my new favourite lately baked with red pepper jelly and crackers. Its amazing how I can incorporate cheese into every meal I make. Its not good, but I can't stop!
i know what you mean about the post-kids-bedtime sweets! I actually pretty much went cold turkey though. i decided that the kitchen closes at 8 (though generally I try not to eat after dinner at all). BUT if i just have to have something sweet with my evening coffee, i'll have just one square of dark chocolate to melt in my mouth. of course, you have to like dark chocolate :) it's a tough first couple weeks, i'll admit, but it gets SO much easier after that!
I am not much of a chocolate junkie, but I have a think for cheese melted on things and cheesecake. Melted cheese on toast is my favourite late night snack.
1 dove dark chocolate. Just bite off little pieces and let them melt in your mouth. The other delicious one we do a ton- peel a banana and slice it open the long way. Don't cut all the way down, just make a trough. Place a few chocolate chips in the banana (dark chocolate if you are really being healthy) and pop it in the toaster over until the chocolate melts. If you don't have a toaster oven, broil it in the oven for a few minutes. Ryan eats his half with a bit of Peanut butter, but I like mine with a small glass of milk. Good luck!
I really love chocolate milk. not the stuff you mix at home but the real (kind of expensive) premixed you buy. I take a few swallows of that and it does help when your about to raid the cupboards.
I always keep a little dark chocolate in the house for the moment that I actually feel a bit of hunger.Dove dark chocolate pieces are perfect.
Now here is what I claim is the secret. Eat your dinner until you feel your stomach is satisfied. .not full but satisfied. When I've gained a few pounds like I just recently did over Christmas I go back to my rule that really always works. Maybe everyone doesn't but when I eat slow I pay attention to my fullness trigger. I always do a little burp when my stomach starts to fill and then I stop. .not one bite more. Then ..a couple hours later when my stomach feels hungry I eat a bite of chocolate ..wait a few minutes and see if I feel still hungry and then if I'm still hungry . .eat a half apple or something like that.
There you go . .everyone always asks and you are the first person I've told about the burp ..to me it seems to make sense and after a few days I gain some self control again . .not easy but I never really have to feel hungry nor do I have to feel stuffed. ( I do plan to post this info but you are special and since you asked . .)
Sorry this is so long ..
I have a great recipe for homemade fat-free chocolate pudding. It's what I indulge in when I need an evening chocolate fix. I'll try to remember to send it via facebook. If I haven't sent it in a few days, send me a reminder :)
I drink lots of hot chocolate. I'm not sure how healthy or not that it is, but it helps when I have a chocolate craving!
Eat with Lovella. Her belching at the dinner table is a real appetite killer!
(just kidding Lovella...luvs ya!)
There have been several studies released indicating daily sex is great for appetite control and weight loss. Since you are married and assuming you keep your vows, that could be a guilt free solution to snacking urges.
I posted a yummy snack for tonight on my blog. Only 1pt. Try it...sooo good!
hey I use ww too! :)
chocolate pudding - it's low in points - especially if you make your own. I haven't looked at others responses...so maybe this is a double.
JIll emailed me to taunt me. .that's what I get for trying to help a girl . ..oh vey ..
I do hope her suggestion offers a bit of distraction from the chocolate. Funny girl!
Always ALWAYS have a glass of water before you eat ANYTHING... lukewarm is actualy best... Your body decides your hungry (and quite often for me its for sweets) when realy your just a bit dehydrated... it is amazing how much LESS it takes to feel satisfied at a meal!
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