* my sister's wedding is in 2 more weeks. since i've plateaued at 15 pounds lost since january 1st, i decided to get my butt in gear and lose 5 more pounds between now and then. the wedding isn't my only motivator; "the biggest loser at home" blog that i'm a part of is ending their weight loss contest only a few days after the wedding and i'm currently in 4th place. (never mind how many miles i am behind the woman in 1st place). there is quite the tidy sum of cash that will be awarded to the winner, which i sometimes allow myself to dream of spending.
* speaking of spending money, i will be doing just that next week and i can't wait! for christmas and my birthday i was given some kohl's gift cards that i decided to save until just before our canada trip. it will be very nice to finally wear some things that actually fit me properly (and that don't have the word "maternity" on the tag)
* i'm thankful for your helpful suggestions regarding my farmer's tan. i'm going to begin by trying to tan the lines away naturally in the privacy of my backyard, and then i will buy a tanning moisturizer for the big day, since i'm sure i won't be quite even by then.
* i have had some of the roughest nights on record with my little samuel. the most frustrating part is that i have no idea what is causing him to wake up so much. a couple of nights ago i tried giving him motrin and that seemed to do the trick, so i just figured he was teething. when i gave him motrin at 4am this morning when he wouldn't stop sobbing, it seemed to make no difference as he kept on crying right until 5:30am. i know he isn't feeling 100% since he's a little more subdued than normal during the day, but that could also just be due to the fact that he isn't getting much sleep at night. i honestly feel like i have a newborn all over again. it really sucks.
* tristan completed his vbs week, only skipping out one day because he didn't want me to leave him there. i had no problem taking him home on wednesday because i think that going from being home with mommy every single day to being gone for 3 hours every single day is a big step for a little guy. he was very proud to show us the crafts he took home and now refers to one of the other kids in his class as, "my best fwend". awwww.
* there is more i could write, but my brain has stalled. it isn't even 8pm yet and i do believe i am going to brush my teeth and crawl into bed. who knows what sleeplessness tonight may yet hold...

Smart to shop in the USA...I hear the Canadian dollar is now valued higher than ours. Won't if be a switch to see Washington state folks daytripping to Canada to do shopping for a change.
Hoping you are getting a better night's sleep. I have no cranky children waking me up at night, so why can't I sleep?? Sigh. Heidi, you have done so well with your change in eating habits - how much better to have the tools to keep your weight down than going on some fad "diet".
Two weeks from today and your little sister gets married!
you are definitely one of the ones I want to see winning that money :) keep working at it - you're doing awesome!!!!
sorry to hear about Samuel's rough nights - it's never easy, but when you don't know what the problem is, it's so much harder. i hope things improve soon!
Have a great time shopping, that sounds like alot of fun!
Oh, I do hope tha you get better sleep in these next weeks! And how exciting that you will be standing beside your sister at her wedding! You will look beautiful, as always too! I can only imagine how special this is for you and I wish you the most amazing day and time in Canada with family!
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