Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the thing about christmas is...

...you spend so much time getting ready for it and looking forward to it and then it's gone in a flash. we usually take down our tree and all of the decorations on the 26th or 27th because tristan's birthday is right around the corner, but this year my mom told me she'd help me take everything down when she arrives on the 30th. and so i've kept it all up and its rather nice sitting by the glow of the christmas tree lights in the evenings.

i've felt a bit disenchanted about all things online lately. i even went for quite awhile without catching up on FB or blogs because it just seemed like too much. i didn't have the excuse of family in town, or a bazillion christmas parties to attend, i just had had enough for awhile of reading sugary sweet status updates and life-is-wonderful blog posts. (can you tell i've had serious pms-like moodiness lately?) i'm not saying that all of you all write nothing but fluff....not saying that at all, but it seemed to me as if there was just more fluffiness than normal floating about, especially on FB and i was not in the mood for it. thankfully i scanned the pages and pages of news feed that i missed and discovered that a dear old friend of mine had her baby girl 4 weeks early (talk about a christmas surprise!) and josh reminded me just in time that it was christy's birthday yesterday, so i was able to shoot her off a happy birthday message without it being completely belated (i am sadly infamous for forgetting friends' birthdays). its crazy how much we rely on the internet to keep us updated on so many things, important and not so important.

anyhow, our christmas was nice. due to flooding and drainage issues at my in-law's house, our christmas day celebrations were changed to take place at sis and rob's an hours drive away. i really didn't want our own little christmas morning with the boys to be rushed, so we did something amazingly bright this year. we had the kids open up all the gifts from my family on christmas eve. it was perfect! josh and i even had a few under the tree from my folks and it was so nice just to take our time and watch the boys get all into it. then, the next morning, all we had left to open were the stockings (which i purposely didn't wrap this year), each of their gifts from santa, and a few presents from us. we still ended up being an hour late for josh's family christmas, but we didn't feel stressed or rushed about any of it and i think we're going to keep up that tradition in years to come.

i felt great for most of christmas day. i even had enough appetite to enjoy all of the scrumptious food laid out. it must have been some sort of christmas miracle because the very next day i was hit harder than ever before by morning sickness and could do nothing more than sluff around in my housecoat and new cozy slippers, moaning while opening and shutting cupboards, trying to find something ~anything that sounded good to eat. chex mix is good. breakfast cereal, still not good at all, which i find strange because chex mix is mostly made out of breakfast cereal.

yes, it was all done and gone much too quickly, but any sadness i have over that is snuffed out the moment i remember that my mom will be here in 2 more sleeps. its been 6 months since i've seen here.....the longest i've gone in my entire life without seeing her! and i simply cannot wait.


Jennifer said...

fluff or drivel...what else is there in life?

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

May I suggest my non fluffy blog today with the link to Sara's blog looking at the 12 days of Christmas? Today was the Christmas day where we think upon King Herod's slaughter of the innocent baby boys. Sara did an amazing blog on that oft forgotten element of the Christmas story, quite the contrast to how most Christian bloggers are writing justifications about when they remove their Christmas tree, which BTW our US gov. has cited as the reason we have Christmas as a legal holiday.
As a mother of a son, I was moved to think what all those mothers went through simply because of their faith.

Neha said...

You both look great together and the children are adorable. Seems like a relaxed and fun Christmas. Hope you feel better soon. Take care

M.R. Tumnus said...

Now it is 1 1/2 more sleeps Heidi!! (abit of insomnia right now). Lovely picture of you and Josh, by the way. Praying you will soon hit the feeling really great part of your pregnancy. Love you.

Jessica LaTour said...

PMS-like, you say? I'm casting my vote for a baby girl ; )

And I know how you feel about the Christmas hub-a-loo.

P.S. You look glowing & beautful! (Even if you don't feel it, you are!)

Sarafina said...

Awww..I'm glad you get some Mom-time soon. I totally understand about the fluff, fb especially can be such a superficial way of interacting with people (though I still do it and think it has its place). Sometimes a break from technology can be a good thing! Your Christmas sounds lovely, and the boys are so so adorable. Wishing you an end to morning sickness, and a great visit with your Mom!

kelly ens said...

i hear you - being away for 5 days made me fall WAY behind on facebook and blogs. i am catching up on the important/favorite blogs (yep - yours!), and just marking the rest as 'read.' my blogging is behind too - sometimes you just have to embrace it and enjoy the things that are making you feel so behind.
enjoy the time with your mom! happy new year :0