josh took this picture last night in our backyard. i'm posting it, lovingly, for my father who kept lamenting when he was here, "i can't believe i forgot to bring my bird book!" i forgot the name of it, so dad, be so kind as to comment and tell us all what it is. i think josh said oriole?
I would like 2 right now be laying under that palm tree, gazing at that blue sky, cocktail in hand... lucky girl
Hi Sweetheart, Yes that is a Hooded Oriole. Just needs to be a bit more orange rather than yellow. The Baltimore is orange with a black head. Range: breeds in SW U.S., Northern Mexico. Habitat: Open woods, shade trees, palms. Watch for that Belted Kingfisher that we saw by your lake. He chatters alot.
Love, Dad.
I can totally hear your dad's voice as I read his post. Exactly.
I saw some new pictures that your mom had. Pretty cute little guy you have!
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