this is the closest thing to a pregnancy picture of myself that i'll be posting for a long while. see, i already look sort of pregnant even though i shouldn't yet. jeans that fit me fine a week ago now strain when i try to zip them up. i'm expanding sideways rather than frontways and i'm positive that the stretch marks along my sides will soon be joined by many more. i began this pregnancy 10 lbs heavier than i would have liked, so i'm really REALLY hoping that this time i'll be able to reign in my appetite somewhat and that my weight gain won't total 65lbs like it did last time. 20 lbs would be very nice, actually. i've still got the seasick feeling going on all day, so i've been snacking a lot day to ease that feeling which is probably partly why my jeans are already getting snug. i'm dying to rip open my bag of maternity clothes and get all cozy in a pair of stretchy elastic top pants, but i can't bring myself to do that until i'm at least 12 weeks along. soon.....
so, i had my first prenatal visit on friday along with baby's first ultrasound. it was really quite a disappointing experience, to tell you the truth. i was completely spoiled with the obstetrician i had with tristan....a private doctor who was very gentle and caring and who showed me my baby on the screen at every single visit. since we've had to change medical insurance, we're now on a plan where we can't choose our own doctor. luck of the draw got me my first visit with a nurse practitioner who barely looked me in the eye, recited facts and advice to me in a voice that gave no reason to doubt she had been giving the same facts and advice all day long, and took about 10 seconds on the ultrasound, where she pointed out the baby's bottom and head, quickly measured it and was done. i never got to see it jumping or see its stubby little arms wave at me. in fact, the picture she printed out for me makes me wonder if i am in fact growing a baby in my uterus rather than a slug. (the measurment confirmed my initial due date of june 8th, so there it sticks. i'm still hoping i'll be early like last time and have the baby in may.) after the ultrasound, i found my way to the lab where the fellow taking a gazillion vials of my blood was flirting with the receptionist over my shoulder. i felt like saying "i'm sorry, is my arm with the needle coming out of it getting in the way of your social life?" instead, i made my next 2 follow up appointments (after standing in the "wrong" line for 10 minutes being completely ignored) and walked out of that building, glad that i don't have to visit it again for another 8 weeks. i was sort of relieved that josh was unable to make it due to being sick because for all of the peeing in a cup and and getting weighed and getting the flue shot and having blood drawn and waiting in the wrong line, a 10 second viewing of the baby slug in my belly wouldn't really have been worth it for him. he saw the picture and he is aware that it has a head and a bottom and that there is ONLY ONE in there (thank you God!) and that's all i really know as well.
uncle james arrived early this morning to make us all scrambled eggs while i fried up some bacon. tristan did not hesitate for a moment before accepting james as one of his best friends. in fact, after his nap, he chose to cuddle with james rather than with me, which was most unexpected, but very sweet. we went to the park this morning and i got to sit around on my behind while james pushed tristan on the swings and caught him at the bottom of the slide and did all of that stuff i'm usually busy doing. i feel like i'm on a bit of a vacation and can't help but wonder if james would mind staying on as a live-in-uncle/nanny in exchange for food and lodging while i get busy napping and having long bubble baths. hmmmmm, it never hurt to ask...
i am at that pregnant-awkward stage where people aren't quite sure if i'm pregnant or just ate too many cookies. i feel like i need to wear a banner that says "yes, i'm 16 weeks pregnant!" i too am still a bit sick and eating carbs to keep the nausea at bay. maybe we'll need to create an online fitness/stroller routine next summer and keep tabs on our weight loss progress? until then- i'm enjoying the calories :)
sorry about the bummer experience. I know they did their job but we are spoiled and want them to fawn over us and our baby slug too.
maybe consider a midwife? Depending on your insurance co-pays, a midwife might even be cheaper and way better care.
Oh Heidi. . so glad that all is well with the wee one. So awful that you felt the rudeness of the flirty blood taker. ..yikes, I hate that when the checkout girls do that with the bag girls, never mind the lab techs.
I really hope that James can stay and give you a hand. . .what a great brother you have, and isn't Tristan clever to realize it as well?
I was going to suggest the midwife thing too. The care is phenomenal. It's definitely worth looking into. (We're so lucky that it's 100% covered here.)
I will admit a touch of James envy.
I'm glad you have him.
I dream of a live-in nanny/aunty/uncle who would let me nap & blog all day. I had a similar medical experience with Gabriel at a walk in clinic yesterday, where I didn't really feel his needs being met.
Congrats on being pregnant, first of all!! And Yaaaay James!! They can be such good entertainers!! How long is he with you? I want to know of the decision he's made for his future. =)
I can totally relate. My first pregnancy I had the best sonographer and she showed us everything and really took her time with the ultrasound. Then we switched practices and I got a crap ultrasound with my daughter. And guess what, this time was with the same lady that zipped through the whole thing. I've been super disappointed with it. Hugs.
You don't go back for 8 weeks!?! Weird. I've never gone more than every 4 weeks - docs or midwifes. Hope you're feeling better soon. See you at coffee this week?
Hope you're feeling better Heide. :) I thought about it, does a baby even wave or wiggle at 8 weeks? I thought I had a super early ultrasound with one of them and was sad that the little sack didn't do anything.
z- My midwife with the first two only did one visit during the first trimester unless needed, then started monthly at 16 weeks.
You will show sooooo Much faster with the 2nd. And youll gain quicker. Just a fore warning. Hey I have a blog spot. Still trying to figure it out....but its...
I think??!
Love miranda...
Aww - sorry your appointment was disappointing! I hate it when medical professionals have no bedside manner. Glad your little olive is doing well, though. Yay!
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