thanks to dena from happily ever after and to ginny from empty nest full life for so generously suggesting i deserve such an award. i am truly humbled (now, do i curtsy, or will a bow do?)
About the award:Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ inspire you
~ make you smile and laugh
~ give amazing information
~ are a great read
~ have an amazing design
~ and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:
* Put the logo on your blog or post.
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
okay, so in trying to narrow down my choices from the oodles of blogs i frequent, it suddenly occurred to me that awarding private blogs wouldn't make too much sense because the idea is for you to visit the blogs that i award. and you can't very well visit private blogs, now can you? this made me sad for awhile because some of my most favourite blogs are private ones. i wasn't sad for too long, though because there are still oodles of great blogs that i read that aren't private. so here are a few to check out if you don't already:
1. i adore lovella over at what matters most. most of the blogs i read are written by people of my generation, who i have a lot in common with. lovella is a bit closer to my parent's generation than my own (i went to school with her son for years) but her blog is one of the first ones that i click on every single day. for uplifting thoughts and heartwarming stories, you've got to pay her a visit.
2. my friend kristal's sister julene writes a blog called notes of my symphony which is a beautiful, often poetic journey inside her life as a missionary along with her family in indonesia. compared to the fluff and fun that most blogs promote, hers often leads me to stop and think. and to pray.
3. i have never personally met unkempt mommy who authors the blog making a person, but i feel as if we're next door neighbors or something. i've read her blog since the day she just found out she was pregnant. i was expecting tristan at the time and we've commented along on each other's blogs ever since. she, like me, writes completely honestly, which i find encouraging and refreshing. she's also very good at making me laugh with her stories.
4. kathy, who writes considering lilies is very close to being family, since my brother andy married her daughter cara, which makes her granddaughter sarah my niece. (confused yet?) i do, however, feel that even if we didn't have the family connection, i'd be sure to keep up on her blog. she posts the most enchanting pictures and descriptions of her grand kids, enough to make me feel as if i'm standing in the room witnessing their energy and creativity! i tried reading her last post aloud to josh, but couldn't finish because of the tears that choked my voice.
5. the newest addition to my bloglines lineup (thanks sarah for the recommendation!) is called my charming kids by a girl named mckmama. ok, so mckmama isn't her real name. her kid's real names aren't big mac, mcknugget, small fry or mckmuffin either, but that's how i know them now. the youngest of her 4 kids basically had a life expectancy of 0% before he was born. because of the prayers of thousands of blog readers, God performed a miracle and little mckmuffin was born perfectly healthy only a few weeks ago. i've been busy reading back into her archives to catch more of this amazing story. like all blogs who get hundreds of comments daily, this one has its fair share of drop-dead gorgeous photos and laugh out loud wit.
i also feel the need to say PLEASE don't feel like you have to continue this whole award thing if you don't want to. a bow and a curtsy will suffice.
Ahhh. . .today is saturday and my cleaning day here in the bungalow but every now and then I take a wee break to visit my friends, and when I saw you posted, I thought, oh. . I'll have to read Heidi and that will give me enough gumption to move on to the next bathroom. Imagine my delight in seeing your "hug".. .oh such kind words and such a generous compliment. Thank you so much. . .I'm feeling a bit more energetic. . .off I go. . .
I'm glad you had a chance to check out the MCK blog! I agree with you about Lovella's blog, I am a closet reader of that one :) It's always uplifting. I will have to check out the other ones you've listed.
You definitely deserve the blog award, your posts are always really good! :-)
Hi Heidi :-) I just now read your beautiful comment about my blog. I am truly honored to have you reading. Seriously, the words just come, so if God blesses you through them, to Him be the glory. Love from Indonesia ... Jules
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