there are gusts of wind and rain outside my windows that remind me of what hurricanes look like on tv. my normally happy, bubbly baby is a miserable, snotty, tooth-cutting mess. he can't nurse because that involves not breathing through his mouth and his nose is so clogged up that even nasal drops aren't making a difference. after a looooong night up with a sick baby, i'm still in my pajamas, which are covered in snot and tears (samuel's tears; not mine). and even though our dishwasher has been fixed, my kitchen counter looks very similar to the picture i posted a couple of weeks ago. to top it all off, i keep thinking that today is friday and am devastated every half hour or so when i realize that its only thursday.
i know that this isn't much to complain about. i dislike complainers and i try very hard not to be one of them. when i look at the events taking place on the news i feel ashamed to even think these complaining thoughts. but. i'm having an icky day and just wanted to record it. normally, when my mind just won't stop whining about lame, self-centered things, i sit down and make a list of all the things that i am thankful for right now. so that's what i'm going to do:
1. our power hasn't gone out yet today, so my crock pot dinner is still cooking away.
2. the fact that i have a crock pot dinner cooking away.
3. my husband has work
4. my husband and i are going to watch a bunch of episodos of LOST season 5 tonight. we are so addicted to that show.
5. our bedding is in the laundry right now and nothing is quite as nice at the end of a rough day as settling down to sleep on freshly washed bedding.
6. tristan is happily playing with his trains and is not at this very moment asking me for another snack.
7. samuel is napping at this very moment (may not be true in about 5 more minutes)
8. i found the most amazing, diet friendly recipe for chocolate oatmeal cookies. they are only 1 point each and taste divine.
okay, that's enough i'm feeling better already. which is good because #6 & 7 are no longer true. gotta go!
Hang in there Heidi.....I know how you feel. I will be praying for you. Love you, Sis
I LOVE this post. Next time I'm having a rough day, I'm going to make a thankful list. GREAT idea! Thanks.
Sorry for the rough day. Next time you are awake with a cranky teething baby - think of me, up too, with a cranky teething baby and we won't feel so alone ;-)
also - can I have the recipe for the 1 point cookies?
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Lost too. We've been re-watching season 1 and there are some crazy things in it now that we know what happens in season 5!!!! :)
I hope that Samuel feels better soon! Sorry that it has been a bad day! But, we love LOST too. We are excited for the final season to come out! Hugs!
PS How is the diet going? I've been thinking of you lots lately!
from my perspective, you can complain all you want - because it IS tough having nights like that and makes for a challenging day when you're shy on sleep. of course, in perspective, it's a small thing, but in your world (and in most moms), it's big!
that said, i do like the idea of a thankful list and would love if you could share that cookie recipe :)
and our bedding is in the dryer right now too, and i am looking forward to tonight as well :)
Hang in there Heidi! We all have those days. It is good to just get some of that frustration and stress off our mind though. Enjoy your freshly laundered sheets and your cookies : )
Oh and LOST too. I love that show! This season is going to be amazing.
sounds like we're having the same kind of day... naomi is currently napping, which may not be true in another minute, and it took almost an hour to get her sleeping. [break to put her back to sleep, again] she's sleeping in my arms because she kept waking up when i put her down. it's just one of those days...
all i've done today is take care of naomi and get a casserole out of the freezer. she's napping only 45 min at a time during the day :(
but, i am thankful for a healthy baby, a helpful husband, a job for that helpful man, a warm house, and blogs like yours!
p.s. i'd love that cookie recipe too! and clean bedding is one of my favourite things
Mommas are my heros! You're not complaining....just relating. :) It's good for mommas to talk about their days. It just helps. Lots of people get recognition for things, but mommas are so under encouraged. You're my hero, today.
Jodi Woodden
LOST starts it new episodes next month, I THINK!!
good perspective, and ...
please share that recipe!
Hope BabySam's teeth have popped through and you had a better night. I am #134th on the request list at the library for Lost. I can be patient. Wishing you a fantastic Friday. XO
Watching the SoCal storms closely. I've been hearing about the palm trees that blow parallel to the ground...
Speaking of trains...my friend with three little boys under age five had to threaten her boys that if they didn't settle down and go to sleep she would have to take their trains away from them.
Funny part: Their trains are their imaginary friends.
Funnier still: Her threat worked. And yes, she was prepared to act out the deed if necessary!
Oh . .and now it's friday so you have one more. . .
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