i completely missed the actual day of my 5 year blogiversary, (it was on january 6th) so this is slightly belated, but i still think its worth noting that i have been blogging for 5 whole years. my first post was about how i missed the snow and elicited exactly 0 comments. blogging started out as a way for me to connect with those i missed so much after i moved to california, and it still is that to some degree, but i think i blog for myself a whole lot more now. is therapeutic for me. its really my only hobby, if it can even be called a hobby. i do love it.
a friend i used to work with wrote me on facebook today and told me that she wanted to follow my blog, but couldn't find the button to do so. i told her i'd add the "followers" sidebar app, and said "i wonder why i haven't done that already." then i really thought about it. and i realized why i haven't done that already. because a little tiny part of me still feels like i'm in high school. and i'd rather not be reminded how popular or unpopular
so, things are just going merrily along here in the first 2 weeks of 2010. no major car accidents, no positive pregnancy tests (whew!), no need of government aid due to unemployment... yes, so far this year is looking much less dramatic than last year. i took a few pictures of my adorable little boys this morning (tristan came rushing downstairs with his hair all nicely combed for church and said, "look mommy, me so hampsom!" definitely a picture-worthy moment as he posed next to his yogurt-covered little brother) and when i downloaded them onto the computer just now, i realized that i haven't taken a single picture in nearly a week! wow, some sort of "blah" i've been going through, eh? so i have snapped out of my funk and will get back on the blogging bandwagon because i really do miss it.
as you can see from again checking out my sidebar, i am currently reading the book "julie & julia" by julie powell. of course, i watched the movie and really liked it and then immediately requested the book from the library. i'm about half way through the book and i have to say that so far i'm quite disappointed. has anyone else read this book and thought the same thing? i mean, this girl really and truly is a b!tch. she says so in the movie, but amy adams plays such an adorable julie powell that i really didn't believe her when she said that. but in the book! oh wow, she is just very mean to her poor husband and is completely narcissistic and whiny, not to mention she has a mouth like a sailor. yes, there are funny parts, but i'm wondering if those parts are going to make the rest of the book worthwhile for me to even finish.
any great, amazing, wonderfully-written book suggestions out there? its been awhile since i've read a real page-turner and i'd love something nice to escape into once in awhile besides reality tv. (you don't need to bother recommending those vampire books to me. they've been recommended to me about a bazillion times, and i do think that one of these days i will cave and read one or all of them just to see if they're really that good. but so far i haven't caved.)
tristan is absolutely loving being 3. he keeps asking me when 3 will be over so he can be 4 and have more presents and cake and candles. he's also been on another "accident kick" where he pretends that he was in mommy's car accident and re-enacts the whole thing. if he can't find a certain toy, or if there is a puzzle piece missing, he'll tell me that it was "in the axe-dent". i suppose that makes sense, since buzz's wings were in the accident and have never been heard from again. speaking of puzzles, this boy is a puzzle genius! he got about 7 different puzzles for christmas/his birthday and he LOVES every single one of them. he can do a 60 piece puzzle all by himself pretty quickly.
samuel, on the other hand loves to eat tristan's puzzles. and anything else he can get his hands on. this sounds no different from any other 7 month old except that he somehow gets into everything. and he isn't even mobile yet. he's a grabber, a hair puller, a water glass up setter. when tristan started getting around on his own, we barely had to baby proof anything. he just didn't really get into mischief and if we told him "no", he obeyed. i have a niggling feeling that samuel is going to be veeeerrrrry different. heaven help us all. i hardly ever remember to give him tummy time, so the poor guy just yells at me whenever he's forced to lay on his tummy. lately, though he's stopped yelling long enough to sort of flop his way to a better position, like a baby seal. and this nearly gives me a heart attack because i'm not ready to have a crawler yet. tristan never crawled so i'm in new territory here. i suddenly feel the need to vacuum every 20 minutes and excessively sweep the kitchen floor.
well, i think i'm going to go downstairs and celebrated my belated blogiversary by eating a 1 point weight watchers cake. i know you all wish you had one of those ;) thanks for reading!

happy blogiversary! i totally missed mine - it was this past June :)
interesting about the book, so often the books are better than the movie!
I missed my blogiversary too.
I'm an Amy Adams fan. I am like in love with her and Emily Blunt.
Try sunshine cleanning, and Enchanted, and Battle of the Smithsonian, and Drop dead gorgeous.
Yes, happy versary...as my boy would say! What a ride!!!!
And this makes me think I should add the follower button to my blog. Hmmmmm.
Oh yes happy blogaversary. . .What great things you have written in the last five years. I always wonder too if I can legitimately call blogging a hobby but hey why not .. if it's all we got .. it's all we got.
I added the button awhile ago to my blog too. I felt kind of bad because I don't "follow" blogs like that . .I just use my blog roll page. I'd like them to set it up differently so I could see all their profiles on one page and just scroll down to visit them like that.
I have the Julie and Juilia book too and haven't had the ambition to finish it. I agreed with everything you said. I liked the first chapter .. .and slowly my enthusiasm waned.
So . .well done. . .carry on!
Happy Anniversary!! 5 years??!! Wow!! That went by fast.
That book is a real disappointment. That's why I sent the e-mail warning to you about her newest book that just came out. Just AWFUL!! Anyone out there, don't buy it!! I had to return it, I just couldn't stomach finishing it.
I really, really like John Grogan's books. Marley and Me, is his claim to fame, but he has written others. He even has a kids line (my friend has an almost 3 year old, and says they are her daughter's favourite books). They are easy to read, and leave you with such a sense of calm.
I also just finished "Fearless" by Max Lucado. I cannot recommend that one enough. It is life changing, and a really good read.
P.S. I think we are majorly due for a phone catch-up :)
Christy :)
Guersey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a good recommend that works on lots of levels...it is a series of letters, so it is easy to put down if needed while still delivering a romance, history, humor and friendship.
Gosh...did you think you were pg and took the test?
I'm so glad you took up blogging, otherwise I would not be chatting way with so many Canadians daily.
Congrats on the anniversary! Job well done. I am looking forward to tracking with your life via this blog : )
I really really like you - and your blog. XO
I have LOVED reading your blog. I just signed in so now you have 33 official followers. Even though Ive been following for several years. Thank you for writing!
Happy Blog birthday!
I recommend reading the Last Jihad series by Joel Rosenberg if you haven't read them already. They are really well written and based on biblical prophesy.
Hello Heidi,
Congratulations, we love keeping up with your family. And thanks for joining my blog. I will try to clean up the language and make it family friendly.
Many blessings,
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