i am sick. well, i'm actually on day 3 of being sick, so technically i'm at the Getting Over It Stage. i'm draining and i feel as if i want to unscrew my head from my neck and remove it until it is finished draining because i can't get over how annoying it is to have the itchy, watery eyes and runny, sneezing nose ALL DAY LONG. i don't get sick very often (can you tell?) and so when i do, i am just a miserable mess. i seriously had the worst day on tuesday, trying to take care of the kids while dragging around my achey body. when josh came home from work i just dissolved into a puddle of tears. yeah, i'm a wuss. josh gets sick
i'm really hoping that i feel better before this weekend because my friend j'lene and i are planning on spending an afternoon up in snowy julian, having tea at a tea shop and enjoying some much needed childless gab time. and then, of course there's valentines day on sunday, which.....well, i guess we don't have any plans for that day. can i ask a question here? seriously, who really celebrates valentines day other than dating and newlywed couples? the first year josh and i were married, we went down to this tiny little salon and both got mani/pedis. my husband has no issues whatsoever in letting people know that he has enjoyed a good pedicure with his wife. he is very secure in his manhood. and then we both had animal style cheeseburgers with fries and a shake at in-N-out. it was perfect. over the years, however, valentines day has just become one of those holidays that is crammed between christmas/my birthday and easter/our anniversary, so it often gets overlooked. not that i'm complaining or anything, i sort of think its one of the cheesier holidays.
one more question for you all before i call it a day and go downstairs to watch survivor. am i the only adult in existance that cannot dive? josh and i were talking about this today when we were considering signing tristan up for swimming lessons this summer. i told josh that i gave up on swimming lessons when i kept having to repeat the same level over and over because i could not dive. i remember having 2 of my friends try to teach me how when i was in 10th grade, and even josh tried to coach me into it for all of 2 minutes before getting completely annoyed by how adamantly phobic i am of doing it. i seriously have always wanted to be able to dive (it looks so graceful!) but i have this irrational fear that i'll do a sort of somersault instead and konk my forehead on the side of the pool. its paralizing and i simply cannot get over it. please tell me there is someone else out there that has this same issue, or else my husband will be right yet again.
My sister Heidi totally did just what you are afraid of when she was a little kid. She conked her head on the side of a pool and sank to the bottom. She was fine cause we got to her quick...but it was definitely scary. I know that's not uplifting advice, but I'm not too comfortable diving either!
I cannot dive. it scares me.
I dive pretty well - FEET first :) I've never learned to dive for real. At the cabin the water was not deep enough at the end of the dock so we always just jumped in.
At Thousand Trails, the pools often have a no diving sign - too shallow. Some people dive anyway and I live in fear of witnessing them drowning. Why oh why do they take that risk? Oh yes, one of my nephews, a full grown man, dives into the shallow family pool. So far he's OK. I can't look.
Ok after twenty-something years of knowing you.....HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS ABOUT YOU????????
The diving thing? Hunny, we can get you fixed in a jiffy. Seriously. Do you not remember that your best friend was a competitive swimmer for 13 years and an instructor for 10? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!! I can sooooooooo teach you how to dive. I can get you over this fear. Just give me one day. You, me, unshaven bikini lines and a pool. April is a callin'. Let me know if you're up for the challenge.
I dive, swimming lessons for my entitre childhood assures me of that. I don't get sick often either AND I whole heartedly believe that Valentines day is not for married people. Chris and I show and tell each other that we love the other everyday, not just on the 14th of Feb. You know what I mean? (oh and I don't want chocolates or candies because they aren't on the diet list of acceptable foods) LOL
Hope you feel better soon
I never passed my FIRST swimming lesson, which was a free one with the school in grade 5. Have never taken a lesson again, but I enjoy the water, never looking graceful. I can't dive.
First, I LOVE Valentines Day! We don't go out and celebrate it anymore but Daniel and I exchange gifts and give the boys a little something. All the meals I make that day have red food coloring in them, it is fun for my kids =) and Us.
Second, I dive =) Love you Heidi, hope you feel better soon.
Valentines when the kids were little meant getting a studio picture done of them and then sending those pictures out as Valentine's greetings to the extended family. More about baking heart shaped cookies and sharing them with neighbors, making cards etc.
It was great fun...but now that the nest is empty we plan "trysts" getaways to romantic places around V day. I love calling the weekend a tryst...
I worried more about losing my bathing suit top when diving...it happens you know. Claim "the girls" are modest and decline to take the risk. It sounds more dignified than saying you are afraid of conking your head.
I like Valentines day, it is a chance to bake cute things for people, and do something special. It's a nice reason now to get a babysitter and get out of the house! I think I can still dive, I haven't done it in forever!
Diving - I can't dive, but I don't really have a fear about doing it. My right leg just pops out to help "break the fall" or something. My brothers have enjoyed endless mirth at my inability. I know diving is supposed to be graceful, but mine is more like a comedy show. Can we say "face plant"?
Valentine's Day - I love sending out Valentines....hence your kids receiving them (I have to have "someone" to send them to). And my man is making Belgian Waffles and serving them with Champagne on Sunday morning. It's romantic if you want it to be, or it's fun, or it's just a chance to remember what champagne tastes like. I like Valentine's.
I sincerely hope you're feeling better for this weekend, too. That trip to Julian sounds lovely - must....enjoy.....it.
Well it's a big NO on the diving thing for me.
But on the Valentine Day celebrations. Jim & I do many things throughout the year that most people do on that certain day. At times, he'll randomly email me an ecard, rub my feet or do something else to show his love. I also do many things for Jim throughout the year. We don't need a Hallmark holiday to show our love. However, I do still have the chocolate rose (candy) and the card he gave me on our 1st Valentine's Day. It's not that the spark has dimmed, it's that we love eachother all the time and don't need to show it on one certain day. Flowers are nice but don't last long, and cards just cost too much. But acts of LOVE last a long time. It's definetly not for the single......very depressing for them.
Im not afraid to dive, but was never able to really learn how to. I always hit the water with my head up so it hurts my neck. Or I kick my legs to far over my head and hurt my back. Your funny though, I always like read about your cute quirks.
i can't dive. not in volleyball either. i am afraid of anything that huuurtssss.
i use to love to dive, even off the high dive.. just don't get in pools much anymore. you can do it!!! great lesson time in april with darla!
Ha, no diving here either. In fact, I'm still trying to get over a childhood trauma that left me phobic of deep water in general. James has promised to teach me to swim properly, but I'm skeptical. (and scared)
I dove once to pass my red badge. I doubt it was a good dive. chicken chicken chicken. I'd go hook up with Darla and get some private lessons.
Valentines day. Riiiight. Ideally my husband would have written a card with a few reasons he is so happy to be with me and perhaps flowers or a small gift. I've gotten over it.
hope you guys feel better!
You can do whatever you want with any holiday you choose.
Personally, I demand diamonds a new wardrobe and shoes and say things like 'what colour is my new bmw and is it in my drive way yet?'
I'm getting taken to VS.
Then I'm getting dinner out all weekend long.
I'm going to complain bitterly that I didn't get the bottle of perfum I wanted since Christmas or the new purse I asked for since my birthday. I'm gonna let him know how much he sucks. And I won't put out. It's his job to woo me into being nice to him. In my position I get what I want or I find another way to get what I want.
Married I did the same thing but in my head. I expected great things and didn't voice them so I became disapointed.
Start a tradition that's right for you both.
Re: Your MIL and her diving from the high dive: Check the size of her girls. No swimsuit malfunction worries there.
Just sayin' is all, as only an old friend coulds.. lol!
PS: How is the Olympics being handled in your dual citizenship household? Do you switch off on days, or you get on boy to cheer team Canada and Josh gets the other one?
That opening ceremony was exquisite. Such a beautiful tribute all the parts of your beautiful country.
LOVED the opening ceremony, i got teary eyed. tristan cheers for canada when he sees the canadian flag and for american when he sees the american flag. works for us!
I like Denise's answer about not diving anywhere, not even in volleyball... that's me.
sheesh, I can't even swim, let alone dive! never. lol
I agree, Valentines day is more for dating/engaged couples. I still like it though, we just end up having a fun "family day" with a special supper, and we eat lots of chocolate. No gifts.
Hope you're feeling better.
Honestly, I love Valentine's Day, and I am single. In 7th grade I walked home for lunch (our village was that small), and my dad had made a beautiful steak dinner. And I thought, wow, he loves me. My family always gives small tokens of love on this day. For me it is a day I think about God's love. And how much more does our heavenly father love us that he gave us his Son? Is it a mass marketing strategy, too? Sure...but it's better than Halloween! lol.
I love your new blog set up! I didnt realize that I used the same header as you. Great minds think alike eh?
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