its been a very long week and i've often thought about blogging, but was never sure what exactly to write about.
i could have written about my dear little samuel's awful sickness (which turned out to be an ear infection and double eye infection) teamed up with 4 of his top teeth breaking through at the same time. this resulted in several nights of me getting no more than 3 hours of sleep, which hindered my immune system from catching a pretty nasty virus (i know. i never get sick, right?), but that would seem like complaining.
i could have written about how being sick twice within one week has caused me to lose weight at an increasing speed and how that makes me smile dispite the fact that i can't swallow without wincing, but that would seem like bragging.
i could have written about the wonderful valentines day we ended up having, with roses and chocolates and a closet shoe organizer bestowed upon me, but that would seem a little mushy.
i could have written about the most a-m-a-z-i-n-g-l-y delicious chicken noodle soup that i made from scratch, and how i managed to include brussels sprouts in the recipe without my husband knowing (and, if he holds true to his claim that he doesn't read my blog, then he'll never know), but that would seem prideful.
so, instead of blogging about any of those things, i decided to do a little bloggy spring cleaning. because it may not be spring where you are, but down here the temperature has been in the mid seventies, the trees are blossoming and the daffodils are blooming. i can't do any actual physical spring cleaning of my house just yet (though it sure does need it), but this sort of virtual cleaning is a lot less tiring and a bit more fun. i had no idea that my "about me" blogger profile has not been edited for over 5 years. its a little humorous to read that apparently, my interests include such things as peppermint tea and dancing. oh, really? i think that watching "thomas and friends" and going to the park would rank a little higher on the list these days.
so, off i go to clean some more from the comfort of my computer chair.
Your new blog is really cute! I like it. You can have our clouds. Its been SO cold and SO cloudy that if I think about it to much I get a little depressed. We're breaking records for cold temps and snow left and right. Are you feeling better? One of my friends lost all her baby weight by getting her tonsils out. Maybe I need to get sick, since I have no tonsils. Im happy for you :o) Not that your sick but that its helping you lose weight.
I love the blog template too. So cute and fresh. And your interests made me smile. I too can kiss goodbye my 'movie going' days and long walks on the beach for "I'd die to have 8 hours sleep uninterrupted" or "if I get a bath with epsom salts it may as well be the bloody spa." Cheers to mommyhood.
i like the new blog template :)
hope you and Samuel feel better soon!
you are very good.
oh, 70+ degree weather and things in bloom sound soooo fabulous right now....would love to hop on a plane and fly your way!
Hope Samuel feels better real soon!
I do hope your mom had a chance to write about the peppermint tea and dancing in YOUR baby book.
It is so interesting to watch our children go through phases as they grow...the fun never ends...one day it is all about peppermint tea, and then it changes (back?) to watching Thomas and Friends! Ah...the circle of life!
I like the new blog! But, I love anything with polka dots! I hope you are all feeling better super soon. And, I am jealous that it is spring there. I am currently sitting in my kitchen, madly typing spanish papers, and watching the blizzard of a snowstorm. PS I have on a sweater and a scarf and it is 26 degrees out. I need spring break!
The new blog template and design is great! Perfect for you and the title.
Hope you are feeling better : )
I laughed when I saw your new blog. I updated mine today and this template was my runner up. I love it and think that it fits you delightfully. Send some of your sun here. Snow flurries all weekend.
I could have left an encouraging comment, but that would be chatty.
I love this blog, I can actually feel the sun from San Diego in it. I can hear the laughter of children coming from Lego land, and hear the smarts of young scholars at Platt College. Angels? Yes, I hear angels praising the creator at Bonita Valley Community Church. Even Shamu joins in with a song! Is that the sound of joyous strollers in the Gaslamp Quarter? The trolley chimes in as if to say, "Nice blog!"
I agree! Blog cleaning is much more fun than housecleaning. Good job, it's really cute!
Hey Heidi, I feel you deserve the beautiful blogger award. Visit today's post...
Smile always!
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