i interrupt this last week's worth of silence to bring you the above picture of my boys with their canadian cousins. in my opinion, it doesn't get much cuter than that.
in other news, i'm finally back to my pre-samuel weight due to the roller coaster of nausea that visits me every day, all day. maybe my memory is just foggy, but it seems that this is the worst bout i've had of all 3 pregnancies.
the visit with my brother andy, his wife cara and their 2 children, sarah & jacob is going wonderfully well. sarah and tristan have really hit it off despite a 2+ year age gap, and samuel is not only learing how to say "mama" because of jacob, he is also learning that you can't just get up in your cousin's face and pet his hair as if he were an animal....jacob wastes no time in asserting himself and shoving his overly-social cousin away from him. it's really quite cute and humorous, though samuel doesn't seem to think so ;)
more later
p.s. how many of you read the title of this post and thought that i was expecting twins? gotcha!

Aww cousin love is so much fun. So neat that your kids get to spend some time with theirs. Ive heard that morning sickness is a good thing, it means your body realizes its pregnant so theres less chance of miscarriage. Not to scare you by saying this but my sister thought her present pregnancy was by far the worst with nausea and she IS expecting twins! Wouldnt that be lovely?
I hope you didn't jinx yourself with that title!
TOTALLY thought twins!!! You're a sneaky one! ; )
And remember that soon enough the naseau will be just a memory.
Weird. It's socially unacceptable to randomly pet people's heads as though they are a long haired cat?!?!? I had better stop doing that. People might start to give me funny looks.
Not I said the fly...but now I am worried that you've jinxed yourself too.
WOW...congratulations once again!
And that picture is really cute!
I've was much more nauseous this time around. I wondered about twins too, but there's definitely only one in here. Now I'm wondering if the extra nausea means I should start buying pink things?
Oh...that final sentence was a foreshadow, I think!!!
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